1/6/06 parse_t.f90 : Actually, there are 4 versions of this code, parse_[tuw2].f90, for each variable of interest. What this code does is take the ASCII data file (from format.f90 I guess) and split it up into data files, each containing 1 timestep of the data. It contains the full plain of data. The reason for this was to make it easier to plot in IDL, but it may be a wiser/better course to simply deal w/ the time steps in IDL. This will at least save some space and bookkeeping in the directory tree. format.f90 : This code converts the non-ASCII triple output to ASCII since it's easier for me to deal with that way. YOU MUST "iditarod>setenv F_UFMTENDIAN big" otherwise you'll get garbage. Upon further inspection, it looks as though parse_t.f90 was absorbed into format.f90. May want to create another code that leave all the data in 1 file. The old version of format.f90 created a file, reordered_[tuw2].dat which was the input to parse_t.f90. It was obviously done away with. Note that part of what format.f90 does is join the n processor files from triple. That's useful. Currently, format.f90 only handles variables described by 1 character ('t', 'u', '2') and will likely bomb on a multi-char variable like 'kx'. Even if you eliminate the multiple file output for each timestep, you need to retain the tfile.f90 subroutine in order to open the processor files.