GATS Boulder

About Us
GATS, Inc. is an aerospace company founded in 1986 by Larry L. Gordley, the President and CEO. Our primary area of business is support of satellite-based atmospheric remote sensing projects. This includes all phases of project life cycle, from concept development to data dissemination and research efforts. Our calibration and performance analysis software, radiative transfer packages, flight operations utilities, and web-based project and data management systems are some of the most efficient and accurate in the business.

GATS currently participates in several major remote sensing projects. Collaborations include NASA, Science Systems and Applications Inc. (SSAI), Ball Aerospace, National Center Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Applied Research Laboratory (APL) at Johns Hopkins University, Hampton University and Space Dynamics Laboratory (SDL) at Utah State University. Our systems are designed for easy configuration to a variety of project requirements. We can also license codes and train your staff to use them, or consult on the development of your own system. We have expertise in software development, web-based systems, satellite instrument operations, atmospheric radiative transfer calculations, and project management that can serve a wide variety of applications.

We continually strive to bring success to global remote sensing projects by efficient application of the latest available technology in hardware, software and networking architecture. We are currently making the transition from custom breadboard laboratory prototypes to reliable COTS systems. This means very cost-effective solutions for our customers, and timely reliable results from complex experiments.