Building the documentation¶
This document describes how to build cgcam's html-based documentation using python/sphinx tools. Although python is probably already installed on your system, the sphinx extensions will most likely need to be installed. The following section describes how to check for the presence of python and how to install the sphinx extensions.
Install python if necessary¶
First check to see if you have python installed by issuing
python --version
and python3 --version
If one of these commands returns something like 'Python 3.7.6' then
python is indeed installed. If python is not installed then
you will get an error message something like 'python: command not found'.
If python is missing, then install it using the appropriate package
manager for your system. For linux this is most likely
sudo dnf install python3
or sudo apt-get install python3
For mac os it is probably sudo port install python3
sudo brew install python3
. Once you think you have python
installed, issue python3 --version
again to make sure.
Install the python package manager (pip)¶
Depending on your system, the python package manager manager (pip) may or not
have be installed automatically when python was installed. If you are using
python2, issue pip --version
, or pip3 --version
for python3 to see if
pip is installed. If not, install it using using your package manager. You
may need to do a google search in order to determine the pip package name.
On Debian based systems it is python3-pip and sudo apt get python3-pip
will install it.
Install the sphinx extensions¶
The sphinx extensions are installed using the python package manager, pip. Use it as follows to install the sphinx components (replacing pip3 with pip if you are using python2)
sudo pip3 install sphinx==1.8.5
sudo pip3 install sphinx-rtd-theme
sudo pip3 install sphinx-copybutton
Note that sphinx version 1.8.5 is installed explicitly. It is important to do this since there appears to be a bug in later versions that results in incorrect list formatting when either the sphinx_rtd_theme or the sphinx_theme are used.
Build the documentation¶
Navigate to path_to_cgcam/cgcam/doc and issue make html
. This command
will produce html files for all of the various documentation chapters and
sections and place them in the _build/html directory. You can then view the
documentation locally using your browser's 'open file' option to load
path_to_cgcam/cgcam/doc/_build/html/index.html. You can also copy or
link the contents of the _build/html directory to a location on your web
server in order to make the documentation more widely accessible. For
example, you could create the directory /var/www/html/cgcam on your server
and then copy the entire contents of the _build/html directory to that
location. Once this is done, the documentation will be available at