Rocky Mountain Simulation

This page describes a numerical simulation of gravity waves over the Rocky Mountains in Colorado.

Computational Domain

The layout of the of the simulation is shown in the figure below. Note that the computational domain is rotated at 7o with respect to lines of constant latitude.


The mesh is clustered in both horizontal directions in order to achieve 125 x 125 meter spacing over the mountain range in the region shown by the black rectangle. Weak stretching of ~1.6% is used to the edges. The domain extends to an altitude of 30 km and uses uniform vertical spacing of 125 m. A total of 760 x 540 x 240 mesh points are used. Characteristic boundary conditions are used on all sides except the surface.

Wind and Thermodynamic Profiles

The mean winds and temperature profile are taken from radiosonde data on December 9th, 2009, from launch site in Grand Junction. Plots of various smoothed profiles for the balloon measurements are shown below.








Wind Condition

The mean winds near the surface are increased in time. Forcing terms gradually introduce winds near the surface with the objective of achieving the wind profile within a two hour period. A hyperbolic tangent function is used in order to produce gentle acceleration of the wind near the beginning and end of the forcing period. The maximum forcing rate is equivalent to that of a linear ramp with a duration of thirty minutes.


Animation of w' in the xz plane at the position y = 0

Animation of w' in the xy plane at altitude of 19 km

Animation of w' in the xy plane at altitude of 23 km

Animation of w' in the xy plane at altitude of 27.5 km