Iceland Simulation for 10 July 2018 02:00-06:00 UTC

This page describes a numerical simulation of flow over Iceland for 10 July 2018 02:00-06:00 UTC. The wind and temperature profiles were provided by Steve Eckermann using the NAVGEM model. Although data was provided as a function of space and time, the current simulation considers only the time variation for a profile located near the highest point on Iceland. The spatial variation is modest compared with the temporal variation and it is much more difficult to incorporate spatial variation effects accurately in the CGCAM model. Thus an initial simulation was performed by considering only the temporal variation. The results below show that the NAVGEM-generated wind profiles produce a critical level for mountain waves at an altitude of about 20 km. Full 3D simulations confirm this as very little wave activity is seen above the critical level. Accounting for spatial variation or NAVGEM data time interval does not change this conclusion (a second wind/temperature NAVGEM data set is avilable for 18:00-21:00 UTC on the same day). This fact presents a quandry since PMC-Turbo observed interesting wave activity at an altitude of ~80 km on this day. There are a few possible explanations for this discrepancy:
  1. The observed waves were generated by an agent other than mountain waves originating from Iceland.
  2. PMC-Turbo observed secondary waves resulting from turbulence generated near the critical level at 20 km. The current simulation is too coarse to resolve instability and turbulence at this altitude.
    SEE Iceland SMW
  3. There was a mistake in the date and/or time for either the PMC-Turbo or NAVGEM data.

Analysis of NAVGEM Winds

The plots below show the temporal variation for the NAVGEM wind profiles over the interval 02:00-06:00 UTC at two locations: (1) a point close to the highest mountain peak on Iceland (64.5° N 17° W) shown on the left and (2) a point close to the PMC-Turbo baloon track (69.5° N 18° W), right. The simulation discussed below uses the Iceland wind profile (left).

winds winds

winds winds

direction direction

In order to see the critical level more clearly, the following two plots show profiles of the wind component in the direction of the surface wind. A critical level for mountain waves is the point where these profiles pass through zero. The critical level is seen to be close to 22 km for both locations and for all times considered.

winds winds

Second Profile Set

A second set of profiles was also generated with NAVGEM for 10 July 2018 but for the time interval 18:00-21:00 UTC. These profiles are similar to those displayed above and also show a critical level below 25 km. Here we show just profiles of the wind component in the direction of the surface wind.

winds winds

Computational Domain

NOTE: Initial testing on un-rotated domain

The mesh is uniform at 1000 m spacing in both lateral directions for a zone [-200:200] km by [-400:0] km, which covers the majority of Iceland. Gentle stretching is used from the high-resolution central region to the boundaries with rate ~2%. The vertical mesh has a nominal spacing of 1000 m from the surface to the domain top at 100 km. The vertical mesh spacing is somewhat finer near the surface of mountaneous terrain. In total, the mesh contains 630 x 570 x 100 points. Sponge layers are used on all external boundaries in order to absorb outgoing waves.

Wind Forcing

Forcing terms gradually introduce winds near the surface with the objective of achieving the wind profile within a two hour period. A hyperbolic tangent function is used in order to produce gentle acceleration of the wind near the beginning and end of the forcing period. The maximum forcing rate is equivalent to that of a linear ramp with a duration of thirty minutes.

NOTE: A somewhat rapid wind ramp was used since the NAVGEM data only span a four hour period. This feature results in transient waves that do not need to obey the critical level. Thus high altitude waves are seen at early times (most notablly depicted in the x-y plane at 83.5 km from 0 to 2.5 hr), but these waves have mainly propagated out of the domain at by the end of the simulation.

Results for u' in a x-z Plane Passing Through the Wind Location
(see domain above)

Results for u' in a x-y Plane at an Altitude of 18.5 km Overlayed on the Terrain

Results for u' in a x-y Plane at an Altitude of 83.5 km Overlayed on the Terrain