Zone Study

This study is an extension of July Averaged-Wind Thunderstorm Simulation. The top of the domain is increased to 300 km.

Computational Domain

Here the grid contains three separate zones with interfaces at 100 and 200 km and, at each interface, the x and y grid spacings are reduced by factors of 2. The vertical grid spacing increases continuously from 100 km to the top of the domain. This arrangemnt yields factors of 4 coarsening in the horizontal directions between the bottom and top of the domain and results in a factor of 2.3 reduction in the number of mesh points ( 3/(1+1/2^2+1/2^4)) and a factor of 16 (2^4) increase in the time step that would be required for a simulation on a single zone whith fixed horizontal spacing. The grid spacings in the central portion of the bottom zone are 1000 x 1000 x 500 m but stretching is used to increase the horizontal spacings between +/- 350 km and the domain boundaries (at +/- 500 km).









Animations in an x-z plane at y=0