Summary Table: The numbers in the table are the suffix, so the run is "crtests##" +----------------------------- | Nb = .00 .01 .10 .32 |zmax = 50 100 200 | Lx = 5 : 07, 03, 09, 12 ----| 12 12a 12b | Lx = 10 : 08, 04, 10, 13 | Lx = 25 : 02, 05, 11, 14 +----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- crtests02 crtests02 : number of grid points: Lambda = 25 Nx = 1000 Nb = 0 Ny = 1 (2D run) Nz = 2500 domain size, non-dimmed by 'h' (as previous runs) XMAX = 2500 ZMAX = 50 Non-dimensional timestep between file writes = 6.80 Soliton initialization, "lambda" = 25 (note: soliton amplitude is calculated from lambda) Thermal duct only Peak stability 'N' (as previous runs) Background stability, Nb = 0 Cosine-duct, FWHM = 'h', as before NOTE: basic "wide" soliton run in neutral background. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- crtests05 crtests05 : number of grid points: Lambda = 25 Nx = 1000 Nb = 0.01 Ny = 1 (2D run) Nz = 2500 domain size, non-dimmed by 'h' (as previous runs) XMAX = 2500 ZMAX = 50 Soliton initialization, "lambda" = 25 (note: soliton amplitude is calculated from lambda) Thermal duct only Peak stability 'N' (as previous runs) Background stability, Nb = 0.01 Cosine-duct, FWHM = 'h', as before -> N-squared goes to strictly zero in the upper and lower quarter of the domain. NOTE: Same as crtests02 EXCEPT 1. Nb = 0.01 (anemic) 2. Nb = 0 in upper and lower quarter of the domain ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- crtests07 crtests07 : number of grid points: Lambda = 5 Nx = 1000 Nb = 0.00 Ny = 1 (2D run) Nz = 2500 domain size, non-dimmed by 'h' (as previous runs) XMAX = 500 ZMAX = 50 Soliton initialization, "lambda" = 5 (note: soliton amplitude is calculated from lambda) Thermal duct only Peak stability 'N' (as previous runs) Background stability, Nb = 0.01 Cosine-duct, FWHM = 'h', as before -> N-squared goes to strictly zero in the upper and lower quarter of the domain. NOTE: Same as crtests02 EXCEPT 1. XMAX = 500, not 2500 2. Lambda = 5 (dispersive result) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- crtests08 crtests08 : number of grid points: Lambda = 10 Nx = 1000 Nb = 0.00 Ny = 1 (2D run) Nz = 2500 domain size, non-dimmed by 'h' (as previous runs) XMAX = 1000 ZMAX = 50 Soliton initialization, "lambda" = 10 (note: soliton amplitude is calculated from lambda) Thermal duct only Peak stability 'N' (as previous runs) Background stability, Nb = 0.01 Cosine-duct, FWHM = 'h', as before -> N-squared goes to strictly zero in the upper and lower quarter of the domain. NOTE: Same as crtests02 EXCEPT 1. XMAX = 1000, not 2500 2. Lambda = 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- crtests09 crtests09 : number of grid points: Lambda = 5 Nx = 1000 Nb = 0.1 Ny = 1 (2D run) Nz = 2500 domain size, non-dimmed by 'h' (as previous runs) XMAX = 500 ZMAX = 50 Soliton initialization, "lambda" = 5 (note: soliton amplitude is calculated from lambda) Thermal duct only Peak stability 'N' (as previous runs) Background stability, Nb = 0.1 Cosine-duct, FWHM = 'h', as before -> N-squared goes to strictly zero in the upper and lower quarter of the domain. NOTE: Same as crtests02 EXCEPT 1. XMAX = 500 2. Lambda = 5 3. Nb = 0.1 4. Nb = 0 in upper and lower quarters of domain ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- crtests10 crtests10 : number of grid points: Lambda = 10 Nx = 1000 Nb = 0.1 Ny = 1 (2D run) Nz = 2500 domain size, non-dimmed by 'h' (as previous runs) XMAX = 1000 ZMAX = 50 Soliton initialization, "lambda" = 10 (note: soliton amplitude is calculated from lambda) Thermal duct only Peak stability 'N' (as previous runs) Background stability, Nb = 0.1 Cosine-duct, FWHM = 'h', as before -> N-squared goes to strictly zero in the upper and lower quarter of the domain. NOTE: Same as crtests02 EXCEPT 1. XMAX = 1000, not 2500 2. Lambda = 10 3. Nb = 0.1 4. Nb = 0 in upper and lower quarters of domain ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- crtests11 crtests11 : number of grid points: Lambda = 25 Nx = 1000 Nb = 0.1 Ny = 1 (2D run) Nz = 2500 domain size, non-dimmed by 'h' (as previous runs) XMAX = 2500 ZMAX = 50 Soliton initialization, "lambda" = 25 (note: soliton amplitude is calculated from lambda) Thermal duct only Peak stability 'N' (as previous runs) Background stability, Nb = 0.1 Cosine-duct, FWHM = 'h', as before -> N-squared goes to strictly zero in the upper and lower quarter of the domain. NOTE: Same as crtests02 EXCEPT 1. Nb = 0.1 2. Nb = 0 in upper and lower quarter of the domain NOTE: there is a long, low amplitude wave that outruns the soliton - this might be due to the rigid boundaries? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- crtests12 crtests12 : number of grid points: Lambda = 5 Nx = 1000 Nb = 0.316228 Ny = 1 (2D run) ZMAX = 50 Nz = 2500 domain size, non-dimmed by 'h' (as previous runs) XMAX = 500 ZMAX = 50 Soliton initialization, "lambda" = 5 (note: soliton amplitude is calculated from lambda) Thermal duct only Peak stability 'N' (as previous runs) Background stability, Nb = 0.316228 Cosine-duct, FWHM = 'h', as before -> N-squared goes to strictly zero in the upper and lower quarter of the domain. NOTE: Same as crtests02 EXCEPT 1. XMAX = 500 2. Lambda = 5 3. Nb = 0.316228 4. Nb = 0 in upper and lower quarters of domain ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- crtests12a crtests12a : number of grid points: Lambda = 5 Nx = 1000 Nb = 0.316228 Ny = 1 (2D run) ZMAX = 100 Nz = 5000 domain size, non-dimmed by 'h' (as previous runs) XMAX = 500 ZMAX = 100 Soliton initialization, "lambda" = 5 (note: soliton amplitude is calculated from lambda) Thermal duct only Peak stability 'N' (as previous runs) Background stability, Nb = 0.316228 Cosine-duct, FWHM = 'h', as before -> N-squared goes to strictly zero in the upper and lower quarter of the domain. NOTE: Same as crtests02 EXCEPT 1. XMAX = 500 2. Lambda = 5 3. Nb = 0.316228 4. Nb = 0 in upper and lower quarters of domain 5. ZMAX = 100. 6. NZ = 5000 crtest12, 12a, and 12b investigate the effect of the boundaries and the location of the N2 = 0 region on the soliton evolution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- crtests12b crtests12b : number of grid points: Lambda = 5 Nx = 1000 Nb = 0.316228 Ny = 1 (2D run) ZMAX = 200 Nz = 5000 domain size, non-dimmed by 'h' (as previous runs) XMAX = 500 ZMAX = 200 Soliton initialization, "lambda" = 5 (note: soliton amplitude is calculated from lambda) Thermal duct only Peak stability 'N' (as previous runs) Background stability, Nb = 0.316228 Cosine-duct, FWHM = 'h', as before -> N-squared goes to strictly zero in the upper and lower quarter of the domain. NOTE: Same as crtests02 EXCEPT 1. XMAX = 500 2. Lambda = 5 3. Nb = 0.316228 4. Nb = 0 in upper and lower quarters of domain 5. ZMAX = 200. 6. NZ = 5000 crtest12, 12a, and 12b investigate the effect of the boundaries and the location of the N2 = 0 region on the soliton evolution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- crtests13 crtests12 : number of grid points: Lambda = 10 Nx = 1000 Nb = 0.316228 Ny = 1 (2D run) ZMAX = 50 Nz = 2500 domain size, non-dimmed by 'h' (as previous runs) XMAX = 1000 ZMAX = 50 Soliton initialization, "lambda" = 10 (note: soliton amplitude is calculated from lambda) Thermal duct only Peak stability 'N' (as previous runs) Background stability, Nb = 0.316228 Cosine-duct, FWHM = 'h', as before -> N-squared goes to strictly zero in the upper and lower quarter of the domain. NOTE: Same as crtests02 EXCEPT 1. XMAX = 1000 2. Lambda = 10 3. Nb = 0.316228 4. Nb = 0 in upper and lower quarters of domain ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- crtests14 crtests14 : number of grid points: Lambda = 25 Nx = 1000 Nb = 0.316228 Ny = 1 (2D run) ZMAX = 50 Nz = 2500 domain size, non-dimmed by 'h' (as previous runs) XMAX = 2500 ZMAX = 50 Soliton initialization, "lambda" = 25 (note: soliton amplitude is calculated from lambda) Thermal duct only Peak stability 'N' (as previous runs) Background stability, Nb = 0.316228 Cosine-duct, FWHM = 'h', as before -> N-squared goes to strictly zero in the upper and lower quarter of the domain. NOTE: Same as crtests02 EXCEPT 1. Nb = 0.316228 2. Nb = 0 in upper and lower quarters of domain ------------------------------------------------------------------------