Sunlight Peak (14,059),
Windom Peak (14,082),
Mt. Eolus (14,083),
N. Mt. Eolus (14,045)
Weminuche Wilderness

Route: Train from Silverton to Needleton, hike/ski to Chicago Basin, then
East Ramp/South Face of Sunlight,
Northwest Face of Windom,
West Face/East Couloir of Eolus,
East Face of N. Eolus
Distance: 28 miles total
Vertical: 11,000 feet total
Date: May 12-15, 2016

East ramp/south face route on Sunlight. Descent track is in red, ascent is in blue where different from ascent.
route 1

Northwest face descent route on Windom. Ascent is via the west ridge.
route 2

Routes on Mt. Eolus and North Eolus. The southeast ridge ascent route from the top of the couloir as well as the west face descent route are not visibile in this view.
route 3

Day 1 - Silverton to Chicago Basin

Train ride along the Animas River.
Cbasin 1

The Train stop at Needleton.
Cbasin 2

We started hiking at 4:00 PM and thus did not spend much time taking photos during the hike up Needle Creek. Here are just a couple scenery shots.
Cbasin 2a

Cbasin 2a

Day 2 - Chicago Basin to Sunlight and Windom Peaks and return to Chicago Basin

Working toward upper Chicago Basin at first light.
Cbasin 3

Eolus and N Eolus as seen from Twin Lakes.
Cbasin 4

Sunhit on the peaks across the valley.
Cbasin 5

Starting up Sunlight.
Cbasin 6

Cbasin 8

Cbasin 9

Cbasin 10

The Keyhole provides access to the east ramp.
Cbasin 11

Brad works his way across the ramp.
Cbasin 13

Cbasin 12

The entirety of the short distance from the keyhole to the summit is a no-fall zone.
Cbasin 14

I work up the ramp as the Sunlight Spire, the connecting ridge, and the Northwest face of Windom look on.
Cbasin 14a

Brad on Sunlight Summit.
Cbasin 15

Looking across Upper Chicago Basin at Eolus and N Eolus.
Cbasin 16

Northwest face of Windom again.
Cbasin 17

The next several pictures form a panorama from the summit.
Cbasin 18

Cbasin 19

Cbasin 20

Cbasin 21

Cbasin 22

Cbasin 23

Cbasin 24

Brad preparing to ski.
Cbasin 25

Me "skiing" the East Ramp.
Cbasin 25a

Back at the keyhole. It was possible to pass through with the skis on.
Cbasin 26

Cbasin 26a

The south face.
Cbasin 27

Cbasin 28

Looking back at the south face.
Cbasin 29

Starting up Windom.
Cbasin 30

Approaching the west ridge.
Cbasin 31

Looking back at Sunlight.
Cbasin 32

Zoom of Sunlight's south face. Our ski tracks are faintly visible.
Cbasin 33

Working up Windom's west ridge.
Cbasin 34

Summit photos.
Cbasin 35

Cbasin 36a

Looking back into Lower Chicago Basin (the dark forested area).
Cbasin 37

Eolus and N. Eolus.
Cbasin 38

Cbasin 39

Zoom of Sunlight showing the East Ramp and the South Face.
Cbasin 40

Me starting down Windom's Northwest Face.
Cbasin 40a

And finishing on the apron.
Cbasin 40b

Heading back toward Twin Lakes.
Cbasin 41

Another view of Sunlight.
Cbasin 42

Relaxing back at camp.
Cbasin 42a

Cbasin 42b

Day 3 - Chicago Basin to Mt. Eolus and N. Mt. Eolus, return to Chicago Basin, and then move camp lower into Needle Creek Canyon.

Mt. Eolus at sunrise.
Cbasin 43

Cbasin 44

Entering the amphitheatre.
Cbasin 45

The track leads to the East Couloir.
Cbasin 46

Cbasin 47

Avalanche debris.
Cbasin 48

Looking back down.
Cbasin 49

Me climbing the couloir.
Cbasin 49a

Me Traversing toward the summit.
Cbasin 49b

Brad leading the way.
Cbasin 50

Views from the summit.
Cbasin 51

Windom and Sunlight across the valley.
Cbasin 52

Looking down into the amphitheatre.
Cbasin 53

Cbasin 54

Cbasin 55

Cbasin 56

Cbasin 57

Cbasin 58

Cbasin 59

Zoom of Windom and Sunlight.
Cbasin 60a

Cbasin 61

Brad starting down the west face.
Cbasin 62

Looking back at the west face route.
Cbasin 63

Booting back up to the col.
Cbasin 64

Skiing the east couloir.
Cbasin 65

Cbasin 65a

Traversing towards N. Eolus.
Cbasin 66

Looking back at the couloir.
Cbasin 68

Cbasin 68a

N. Eolus coming into view.
Cbasin 69

Snow shedding from Eolus.
Cbasin 70

Climbing N. Eolus.
Cbasin 72

Cbasin 73

Cbasin 74

Brad finishes the climb with Eolus behind.
Cbasin 75

Cbasin 76

Cbasin 77

Cbasin 78

Cbasin 79

Returning to camp.
Cbasin 80

Cbasin 80a

Departing for a lower camp.
Cbasin 81

Snowline was about 10,000 feet.
Cbasin 82

Day 4 - Needle Creek to Silverton.

Needle Creek.
Cbasin 83

Cbasin 84

Train approaching the stop at Needleton.
Cbasin 85