subroutine spline( x, y, n, i_bc1, i_bc2, param1, param2, y2 ) c given arrays x(1:n) and y(1:n) containing a tabulated function, i.e., c yi = f(xi), with x1 < x2 < . . . < xn, this routine returns an c array y2(1:n) of length n which contains the second derivatives of c the interpolating function at the tabulated points xi. i_bc1 and i_bc2 c are boundary condition flags, used as follows: c i_bc1 = 0 natural spline with y''(1) = 0 c i_bc1 = 1 second derivative specified via y''(1) = param1*y''(2) c i_bc1 = 2 first derivative specified via y'(1) = param1 c i_bc1 = 3 periodic c c parameter nmax is the largest anticipated value of n. integer n, nmax real param1, param2, p1, p2, x(n), y(n), y2(n) parameter( nmax=1000 ) integer i, k real a(nmax), b(nmax), c(nmax) c *** check inputs if( n .gt. nmax ) then print *, 'ERROR: n is greater than nmax' stop end if if( (i_bc1 .eq. 3 .and. i_bc2 .ne. 3) .or. & (i_bc2 .eq. 3 .and. i_bc2 .ne. 3) ) then print *, 'ERROR: both i_bc1 and i_bc2 must be set to 3 ', & 'for periodic bcs' stop end if p1 = param1 p2 = param2 if( i_bc1 .eq. 0 ) p1 = 0.0 if( i_bc2 .eq. 0 ) p2 = 0.0 c *** compute and store the tridiagonal matrix elements and rhs c *** do this at the endpoints using periodicity even for non-periodic c *** cases. The endpoint values will be rewritten below for non-periodic c *** cases. c3 = 1.0/3.0 c6 = 1.0/6.0 do i=1, n ip1 = i + 1 im1 = i - 1 if( i .eq. 1 ) then im1 = n-1 delta_m = x(n) - x(n-1) delta_0 = x(ip1) - x(i) else if( i .eq. n ) then ip1 = 2 delta_m = x(i) - x(im1) delta_0 = x(2) - x(1) else delta_m = x(i) - x(im1) delta_0 = x(ip1) - x(i) end if a(i) = c6*delta_m c(i) = c6*delta_0 b(i) = 2.0*( a(i) + c(i) ) y2(i) = ( y(ip1) - y(i) )/delta_0 - ( y(i) - y(im1) )/delta_m end do c *** set boundary conditions select case( i_bc1 ) case( 0, 1 ) a( 1) = 0.0 b( 1) = 1.0 c( 1) = -p1 y2(1) = 0.0 case( 2 ) delta_0 = x(2) - x(1) a( 1) = 0.0 b( 1) = c3*delta_0 c( 1) = c6*delta_0 y2(1) = ( y(2) - y(1) )/delta_0 - p1 case( 3 ) beta = a(1) end select select case( i_bc2 ) case( 0, 1 ) a( n) = -p2 b( n) = 1.0 c( n) = 0.0 y2(n) = 0.0 case( 2 ) delta_0 = x(n) - x(n-1) a( n) = c6*delta_0 b( n) = c3*delta_0 c( n) = 0.0 y2(n) = p2 - ( y(n) - y(n-1) )/delta_0 case( 3 ) alpha = c(n-1) end select c do i=1, n c write(4,40) i, a(i), b(i), c(i), y2(i) c40 format(i5,1p4e12.4) c end do if( i_bc1 .eq. 3 ) then call tridag_p( a, b, c, alpha, beta, y2, n-1 ) y2(n) = y2(1) else call tridag( a, b, c, y2, n ) end if return end subroutine splint(xa,ya,y2a,n,x,y,dy,d2y) c given the arrays xa(1:n) and ya(1:n) of length n, which tabulate a c function (with the xai ’s in order), and given the array y2a(1:n), c which is the output from spline above, and given a value of x, this c routine returns a cubic-spline interpolated value y. integer n real x,xa(n),y2a(n),ya(n) integer k,khi,klo real a,b,h if( x .lt. xa(1) ) then c print *, 'Warning x < xa(1) in splint x, xa(1) = ', x, xa(1) klo = 1 khi = 2 goto 2 end if klo=1 khi=n 1 if ( then k=(khi+klo)/2 if(xa(k).gt.x)then khi=k else klo=k end if goto 1 endif 2 h=xa(khi)-xa(klo) if (h.eq.0.) then print *, 'bad x input in splint' stop end if fac1 = h/6.0 fac2 = h*fac1 fac3 = 1.0/h a = (xa(khi)-x)*fac3 b = (x-xa(klo))*fac3 c = (a**3-a)*fac2 d = (b**3-b)*fac2 e = -fac3 f = fac3 g = -(3.0*a**2-1.0)*fac1 h = (3.0*b**2-1.0)*fac1 y = a*ya(klo) + b*ya(khi) + c*y2a(klo) + d*y2a(khi) dy = e*ya(klo) + f*ya(khi) + g*y2a(klo) + h*y2a(khi) d2y = a*y2a(klo) + b*y2a(khi) c write(88,88) klo, a, b, g, h, y2a(klo), y2a(khi) c88 format(i5,1p,6e12.4) return end subroutine tridag( a, b, c, r, n ) c Tri-diagonal matrix solver from Numerical Recipies. real a(n), b(n), c(n), r(n) real w(n), u(n) b_inv = 1.0/b(1) u(1) = r(1)*b_inv do i=2, n w(i) = c(i-1)*b_inv b_inv = 1.0/( b(i) - a(i)*w(i) ) u(i) = ( r(i) - a(i)*u(i-1) )*b_inv end do r(n) = u(n) do i=n-1, 1, -1 r(i) = u(i) - w(i+1)*r(i+1) end do return end subroutine tridag_p( a, b, c, alpha, beta, r, n ) c Periodic tri-diagonal matrix solver from Numerical Recipies. real a(n), b(n), c(n), r(n) real bb(n), u(n) gamma = -b(1) gamma_inv = 1.0/gamma bb = b bb(1) = b(1) - gamma bb(n) = b(n) - alpha*beta*gamma_inv call tridag( a, bb, c, r, n ) u = 0.0 u(1) = gamma u(n) = alpha call tridag( a, bb, c, u, n ) fact = ( r(1) + beta*r(n)*gamma_inv ) / & ( 1.0 + u(1) + beta*u(n)*gamma_inv ) do i=1, n r(i) = r(i) - fact*u(i) end do return end subroutine spline_coef( x_dat, y_dat, dydx, N ) real x_dat(N), y_dat(N), dydx(N) do i=1, N-1 dydx(i) = ( y_dat(i+1) - y_dat(i) )/( x_dat(i+1) - x_dat(i) ) end do return end subroutine lin_spline( x_dat, y_dat, dydx, N, x, y ) real x_dat(N), y_dat(N), dydx(N) do i=1, N-1 if( x .ge. x_dat(i) .and. x .lt. x_dat(i+1) ) goto 5 end do if( abs(x-x_dat(1)) .lt. 1.0e-12 ) then i=1 goto 5 end if if( abs(x-x_dat(N)) .lt. 1.0e-12 ) then i=N-1 goto 5 end if print *, 'ERROR: bad value x to lin_spline' stop 5 m = i y = y_dat(i) + dydx(i)*( x - x_dat(i) ) return end function smooth ( x, y, dy, npoint, s, v, a ) c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c calls setupq, chol1d c c constructs the cubic smoothing spline f to given data (x(i),y(i)), c i=1,...,npoint, which has as small a second derivative as possible c while c s(f) = sum( ((y(i)-f(x(i)))/dy(i))**2 , i=1,...,npoint ) .le. s . c c****** i n p u t ****** c x(1),...,x(npoint) data abscissae, a s s u m e d to be strictly c increasing . c y(1),...,y(npoint) corresponding data ordinates . c dy(1),...,dy(npoint) estimate of uncertainty in data, a s s u m- c e d to be positive . c npoint.....number of data points, a s s u m e d .gt. 1 c s.....upper bound on the discrete weighted mean square distance of c the approximation f from the data . c c****** w o r k a r r a y s ***** c v.....of size (npoint,7) c a.....of size (npoint,4) c c***** o u t p u t ***** c a(.,1).....contains the sequence of smoothed ordinates . c a(i,j) = f^(j-1)(x(i)), j=2,3,4, i=1,...,npoint-1 , i.e., the c first three derivatives of the smoothing spline f at the c left end of each of the data intervals . c w a r n i n g . . . a would have to be transposed before it c could be used in ppvalu . c c****** m e t h o d ****** c The matrices Q-transp*d and Q-transp*D**2*Q are constructed in c s e t u p q from x and dy , as is the vector qty = Q-transp*y . c Then, for given p , the vector u is determined in c h o l 1 d as c the solution of the linear system c (6(1-p)Q-transp*D**2*Q + p*Q)u = qty . c From u , the smoothing spline f (for this choice of smoothing par- c ameter p ) is obtained in the sense that c f(x(.)) = y - 6(1-p)D**2*Q*u and c f''(x(.)) = 6*p*u . c The smoothing parameter p is found (if possible) so that c sf(p) = s , c with sf(p) = s(f) , where f is the smoothing spline as it depends c on p . if s = 0, then p = 1 . if sf(0) .le. s , then p = 0 . c Otherwise, the secant method is used to locate an appropriate p in c the open interval (0,1) . However, straightforward application of c the secant method, as done in the original version of this program, c can be very slow and is influenced by the units in which x and y c are measured, as C. Reinsch has pointed out. Instead, on recommend- c ation from C. Reinsch, the secant method is applied to the function c g:q |--> 1/sqrt{sfq(q)} - 1/sqrt{s} , c with sfq(q) := sf(q/(1+q)), since 1/sqrt{sfq} is monotone increasing c and close to linear for larger q . One starts at q = 0 with a c Newton step, i.e., c q_0 = 0, q_1 = -g(0)/g'(0) c with g'(0) = -(1/2) sfq(0)^{-3/2} dsfq, where dsfq = -12*u-transp*r*u , c and u as obtained for p = 0 . Iteration terminates as soon as c abs(sf - s) .le. .01*s . c c logical test c parameter (test = .true.) c integer itercnt integer npoint, i,npm1 real a(npoint,4),dy(npoint),s,v(npoint,7),x(npoint),y(npoint) * ,change,ooss,oosf,p,prevsf,prevq,q,sfq,sixp,six1mp,utru call setupq(x,dy,y,npoint,v,a(1,4)) if (s .gt. 0.) go to 20 10 p = 1. six1mp = 0. call chol1d(p,v,a(1,4),npoint,1,a(1,3),a(1,1)) sfq = 0. go to 60 20 p = 0. six1mp = 6. call chol1d(p,v,a(1,4),npoint,1,a(1,3),a(1,1)) sfq = 0. do 21 i=1,npoint 21 sfq = sfq + (a(i,1)*dy(i))**2 sfq = sfq*36. if (sfq .le. s) go to 60 utru = 0. do 25 i=2,npoint 25 utru = utru + v(i-1,4)*(a(i-1,3)*(a(i-1,3)+a(i,3))+a(i,3)**2) ooss = 1./sqrt(s) oosf = 1./sqrt(sfq) q = -(oosf-ooss)*sfq/(6.*utru*oosf) c secant iteration for the determination of p starts here. c itercnt = 0 prevq = 0. prevsf = oosf 30 call chol1d(q/(1.+q),v,a(1,4),npoint,1,a(1,3),a(1,1)) sfq = 0. do 35 i=1,npoint 35 sfq = sfq + (a(i,1)*dy(i))**2 sfq = sfq*36./(1.+q)**2 if (abs(sfq-s) .le. .01*s) go to 59 oosf = 1./sqrt(sfq) change = (q-prevq)/(oosf-prevsf)*(oosf-ooss) prevq = q q = q - change prevsf = oosf c itercnt = itercnt + 1 go to 30 59 p = q/(1.+q) six1mp = 6./(1.+q) correct value of p has been found. compute pol.coefficients from Q*u (in a(.,1)). 60 smooth = sfq c if (test) then c print *, 'number of iterations = ', itercnt c end if do 61 i=1,npoint 61 a(i,1) = y(i) - six1mp*dy(i)**2*a(i,1) sixp = 6.*p do 62 i=1,npoint 62 a(i,3) = a(i,3)*sixp npm1 = npoint - 1 do 63 i=1,npm1 a(i,4) = (a(i+1,3)-a(i,3))/v(i,4) 63 a(i,2) = (a(i+1,1)-a(i,1))/v(i,4) * - (a(i,3)+a(i,4)/3.*v(i,4))/2.*v(i,4) return end subroutine setupq ( x, dx, y, npoint, v, qty ) c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c to be called in s m o o t h c put delx = x(.+1) - x(.) into v(.,4), c put the three bands of q-transp*d into v(.,1-3), and c put the three bands of (d*q)-transp*(d*q) at and above the diagonal c into v(.,5-7) . c here, q is the tridiagonal matrix of order (npoint-2,npoint) c with general row 1/delx(i) , -1/delx(i) - 1/delx(i+1) , 1/delx(i+1) c and d is the diagonal matrix with general row dx(i) . integer npoint, i,npm1 real dx(npoint),qty(npoint),v(npoint,7),x(npoint),y(npoint), * diff,prev npm1 = npoint - 1 v(1,4) = x(2) - x(1) do 11 i=2,npm1 v(i,4) = x(i+1) - x(i) v(i,1) = dx(i-1)/v(i-1,4) v(i,2) = - dx(i)/v(i,4) - dx(i)/v(i-1,4) 11 v(i,3) = dx(i+1)/v(i,4) v(npoint,1) = 0. do 12 i=2,npm1 12 v(i,5) = v(i,1)**2 + v(i,2)**2 + v(i,3)**2 if (npm1 .lt. 3) go to 14 do 13 i=3,npm1 13 v(i-1,6) = v(i-1,2)*v(i,1) + v(i-1,3)*v(i,2) 14 v(npm1,6) = 0. if (npm1 .lt. 4) go to 16 do 15 i=4,npm1 15 v(i-2,7) = v(i-2,3)*v(i,1) 16 v(npm1-1,7) = 0. v(npm1,7) = 0. construct q-transp. * y in qty. prev = (y(2) - y(1))/v(1,4) do 21 i=2,npm1 diff = (y(i+1)-y(i))/v(i,4) qty(i) = diff - prev 21 prev = diff return end subroutine chol1d ( p, v, qty, npoint, ncol, u, qu ) c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c to be called in s m o o t h constructs the upper three diags. in v(i,j), i=2,,npoint-1, j=1,3, of c the matrix 6*(1-p)*q-transp.*(d**2)*q + p*r, then computes its c l*l-transp. decomposition and stores it also in v, then applies c forward and backsubstitution to the right side q-transp.*y in qty c to obtain the solution in u . integer ncol,npoint, i,npm1,npm2 real p,qty(npoint),qu(npoint),u(npoint),v(npoint,7), prev,ratio * ,six1mp,twop npm1 = npoint - 1 c construct 6*(1-p)*q-transp.*(d**2)*q + p*r six1mp = 6.*(1.-p) twop = 2.*p do 2 i=2,npm1 v(i,1) = six1mp*v(i,5) + twop*(v(i-1,4)+v(i,4)) v(i,2) = six1mp*v(i,6) + p*v(i,4) 2 v(i,3) = six1mp*v(i,7) npm2 = npoint - 2 if (npm2 .ge. 2) go to 10 u(1) = 0. u(2) = qty(2)/v(2,1) u(3) = 0. go to 41 c factorization 10 do 20 i=2,npm2 ratio = v(i,2)/v(i,1) v(i+1,1) = v(i+1,1) - ratio*v(i,2) v(i+1,2) = v(i+1,2) - ratio*v(i,3) v(i,2) = ratio ratio = v(i,3)/v(i,1) v(i+2,1) = v(i+2,1) - ratio*v(i,3) 20 v(i,3) = ratio c c forward substitution u(1) = 0. v(1,3) = 0. u(2) = qty(2) do 30 i=2,npm2 30 u(i+1) = qty(i+1) - v(i,2)*u(i) - v(i-1,3)*u(i-1) c back substitution u(npoint) = 0. u(npm1) = u(npm1)/v(npm1,1) i = npm2 40 u(i) = u(i)/v(i,1)-u(i+1)*v(i,2)-u(i+2)*v(i,3) i = i - 1 if (i .gt. 1) go to 40 c construct q*u 41 prev = 0. do 50 i=2,npoint qu(i) = (u(i) - u(i-1))/v(i-1,4) qu(i-1) = qu(i) - prev 50 prev = qu(i) qu(npoint) = -qu(npoint) return end subroutine my_sort( a, n, i_order ) real a(n) integer i_order(n) do i=1, n i_order(i) = i c print *, i, a(i), i_order(i) end do do j=2, n a1 = a(j) j1 = i_order(j) do i=j-1, 1, -1 if( a(i) .le. a1 ) goto 10 a(i+1) = a(i) i_order(i+1) = i_order(i) end do i = 0 10 a(i+1) = a1 i_order(i+1) = j1 c print *, ' ' c do i=1, n c print *, i, a(i), i_order(i) c end do end do return end subroutine auto_smooth(z, u, work, nz, i_method, dev_est, target) c *** if i_method=1: c *** Smooth the data vector u so that abs(dev(d2udz2)/avg(d2udz2))<=target. c *** if i_method=0: c *** Smooth the data vector u using a simple call to the smooth function c *** with the measurement deviation set to dev_est. c *** dev_est is an estimate of the standard deviation of the input data. c *** The smoothed data are returned in work(1:nz). The first and second c *** derivatives are in work(nz+1:2*nz) and work(2*nz+1:3*nz) respecively. c *** Evidently the smooth function assumes d2udz2=0 at the endpoints. This c *** can cause problems for data that actually have significant second c *** derivative values at the boundaries. real z(nz), u(nz), us(nz), work(nz*12) real sum1(3) pi = acos(-1.0) wave_z = 2*pi/float(nz-1) ic = 2*nz + 1 id = 4*nz + 1 iw = 5*nz + 1 s_fac = nz + sqrt(2.0*nz) c *** Make sure we have at least 3 points if( nz .lt. 3 ) then print *, 'Error in auto_smooth nz must be at least 3' stop end if c *** Use simple smoothing if called for, or if nz <= nz_min nz_min = 6 if( i_method .eq. 0 .or. nz .le. nz_min ) goto 90 c *** Perform the adptive smoothing dev_meas = 1.0e-10 do L=1, 20 do k=id, id+nz work(k) = dev_meas end do sfp = smooth( z, u, work(id), nz, s_fac, work(iw), work(1) ) c *** Compute the mean and variance of the second derivatives sum1 = 0.0 do k=1, nz-1 d2udz2 = work(2*nz+k) sum1(1) = sum1(1) + d2udz2 sum1(2) = sum1(2) + d2udz2**2 end do scale = 1.0/float(nz-1) avg = sum1(1)*scale c var = sum1(2)*scale - avg**2 var = sum1(2)*scale dev = sqrt(var) c *** Compute the contribution to the standard deviation in c *** the upper 1/4 of the spectrum c print *, 'nz, k_start, k_stop = ', c & nz, nint(float(3*(nz-1))/8.0), (nz-1)/2 do m=nint(float(3*(nz-1))/8.0), (nz-1)/2 sum2 = 0.0 sum3 = 0.0 do k=1, nz-1 arg = float(k-1)*float(m)*wave_z c1 = scale*cos(arg) s1 = scale*sin(arg) d2udz2 = work(2*nz+k) sum2 = sum2 + d2udz2*c1 sum3 = sum3 + d2udz2*s1 end do fac = 2.0 if( m .eq. (nz-1)/2 .and. mod(m,2) .eq. 0.0 ) fac = 1.0 sum1(3) = sum1(3) + fac*( sum2**2 + sum3**2 ) end do dev_hw = sqrt( sum1(3) ) c *** The quality is the fraction of high wavenumber deviation to c *** the total deviation quality = abs(dev_hw/dev) f = quality - target c print *, 'L, dev, dev_hw = ', L, dev, dev_hw c print *, 'dev_hw/dev, dev_meas = ', dev_hw/dev, dev_meas if( f .lt. 0.1*target ) return if( quality .lt. 5*target .and. L .gt. 5 ) then dfdx = ( f - f_old )/( dev_meas - dev_old ) dev_old = dev_meas dev_meas = dev_meas - f/dfdx else dev_old = dev_meas dev_meas = dev_meas + 0.2*dev_est end if f_old = f end do c *** If flow gets here the adaptive smoothing iteration failed c *** In this case we issue a warning and then use the simple smoothing c *** approach print *, 'WARNING: Iteration did not converge in auto_smooth.' print *, 'Using simple method instead.' 90 do k=id, id+nz work(k) = dev_est end do sfp = smooth( z, u, work(id), nz, s_fac, work(iw), work(1) ) if( nz .le. nz_min ) then print *, 'Warning: not enough points for auto smoothing ', & 'using simple method' end if return end