Gravity Wave Breaking in Deep Domains
Case 1a
Horizontal wavelength 60 km, vertical wavelength ~ 20 km. Domain extends from
100 to 200 km in the vertical, 60 km in the streamwise and 60 km in the lateral
direction. 300 x 300 x 500 mesh points, giving an isotropic mesh of size 200 m.
Realistic background thermodynamic state based on Vadas and Fritts 2006, 2007.
Forcing at the lower boundary ramped up over 2.7 wave periods.
Total simulation duration 17.17 wave periods, although the animations only
show the period from 5.72-17.17 wave periods. There are 300 frames
in the animations, each separated by 0.038 wave periods.
Other info - mean wind=55 m/s, wave amplitude on lower boundary=0.1, frequency
on lower boundary=N/3.72, N varies between 0.0216 1/s at the lower
boundary to 0.0113 1/s at the upper boundary. The density varies from
1.2540E-06 to 9.6980E-10 kg/m3 between 100 and 200 km. The kinematic
viscosity at 100 km is 13.7307 m^2/s. The mean wind is artificially constrained
to remain constant in this simulation.
Click here to see a complete tabulation
of the background thermodynamic state
Click on the image to start the the movie
Vorticity Magnitude, xz plane
Vorticity Magnitude, yz plane
Vorticity Magnitude, xy plane
Lambda_2, Volume view
The images are taken at 25.87625, 27.1700625, 28.463875, 29.7576875,
31.0515, 36.22675, and 41.402 buoyancy periods.
Vorticity Magnitude, xz plane, time sequence
The images are taken at 9.54, 10.49, 11.45, 12.40, 13.36, 14.31, 15.26,
and 16.22 wave periods.
Vorticity Magnitude, yz plane, time sequence
The images are taken at 9.54, 10.49, 11.45, 12.40, 13.36, 14.31, 15.26,
and 16.22 wave periods.
Lambda2, time sequence
The images are taken at 29.7576875, 31.0515, 36.22675, and
41.402 buoyancy periods.
Compressed directory containing the vorticity magnitude
images in the xz plane
click here
Compressed directory containing the vorticity magnitude
images in the yz plane
click here
Compressed directory containing the 3D lambda2
click here
Case 1b
Horizontal wavelength 60 km, vertical wavelength ~ 20 km. Domain extends from
100 to 200 km in the vertical, 60 km in the streamwise and 60 km in the lateral
direction. 300 x 300 x 500 mesh points, giving an isotropic mesh of size 200 m.
Realistic background thermodynamic state based on Vadas and Fritts 2006, 2007.
Forcing at the lower boundary ramped up over 2.7 wave periods.
Total simulation duration 17.17 wave periods, although the animations only
show the period from 5.72-17.17 wave periods. There are 300 frames
in the animations, each separated by 0.038 wave periods.
Other info - mean wind=55 m/s, wave amplitude on lower boundary=0.1, frequency
on lower boundary=N/3.72, N varies between 0.0216 1/s at the lower
boundary to 0.0113 1/s at the upper boundary. The density varies from
1.2540E-06 to 9.6980E-10 kg/m3 between 100 and 200 km. The kinematic
viscosity at 100 km is 13.7307 m^2/s. The mean wind is allowed to evolve
naturally as dictated by the mean gravity wave momentum flux divergence.
Click here to see a complete tabulation
of the background thermodynamic state
Click on the image to start the the movie
Vorticity Magnitude, xz plane
Vorticity Magnitude, yz plane
Vorticity Magnitude, xz plane, time sequence
The images are taken at 9.54, 10.49, 11.45, 12.40, 13.36, 14.31, 15.26,
and 16.22 wave periods.
Vorticity Magnitude, yz plane, time sequence
The images are taken at 9.54, 10.49, 11.45, 12.40, 13.36, 14.31, 15.26,
and 16.22 wave periods.
Evolution of the mean wind profile
Time is scaled in buoyancy periods.
Case 2
Horizontal wavelength 20 km, vertical wavelength 20 km. Domain extends from
0 to 160 km in the vertical, 40 km in the streamwise and 0.2 km in the lateral
direction. 200 x 1 x 800 mesh points, giving an isotropic mesh of size 200 m.
Isothermal background with a scale height of 7.0 km, which gives N=0.02 1/s and
a buoyancy period of 314 s. The wave period is 444 s.
Forcing at the lower boundary a Gaussian with half width one wave period.
Total simulation duration 7671 s or 24.4 buoyancy periods.
Mean wind=44.4 m/s, wave amplitude on lower boundary=5.0e-4,
kinematic viscosity at the lower boundary is 1.5e-5 m^2/s.
Click here to see a complete tabulation
of the background thermodynamic state
Evolution of the mean wind profile
Time is scaled in buoyancy periods.
Vertical Velocity, xz plane, time sequence
The images are taken at 4909, 5677, 6444, 6699, 6955, 7057, and 7160 sec,
which correspond to 15.63, 18.07, 20.51, 21.32, 22.14, 22.46, and 22.79
buoyancy periods.
The range on the color scale is +/- 2.5, 8.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 60.0, 40.0.
Click on the image to start the the movie
Vorticity Magnitude, xz plane
Compressed directory containing individual frames for the above animation
Case 3
vertical wavelength 1 scale height, horizontal wavelength 3 scale
heights, nominal maximum amplitude 1.0. Computational box size (3 x 1 x 5)
scale heights, (150 x 50 x 250) mesh points. Duration 105 buoyancy periods.
Click on the image to start the the movie
Vorticity Magnitude, xz plane
Vorticity Magnitude, yz plane
Vorticity Magnitude, xy plane
Vorticity Magnitude, 3 view
Lambda_2, Volume view
Case 4
vertical wavelength 2 scale height, horizontal wavelength 6 scale
heights, nominal maximum amplitude 1.5. Computational box size (6 x 2 x 7)
scale heights, (150 x 50 x 175) mesh points. Duration 70 buoyancy periods.
Click on the image to start the the movie
Vorticity Magnitude, xz plane