Mt. Antero 14,269

Route: West Slopes/South Ridge
Distance: 11.5 miles
Vertical: 5,100 feet
Date: May 24, 2021
Partner: Dale Wang

First views of Antero's summit. The main saddle to be discussed later is just to the left of the larger trees in the foreground.
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Entering the ascent gully. This is different then our descent gully and the saddle visible here is also different from the main saddle.
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Mt. Cronin basking in early morning light.
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Climbing into sunshine.
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The north face of Tabeguache Peak comes into view. We turned the corner here and are now climbing on the east side of Antero's South Ridge.
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The snow was thin here but continuous in the road cut. The saddle is visible in the center of the photo.
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Climbing toward the saddle.
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Views of the summit from the saddle.
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Working the ridge traverse.
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Further along the ridge.
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View of Mt. Princeton from the summit. Mt. Columbia and Mt. Harvard are also visible behind and to the left of Mt. Princeton.
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Tabeguache Peak.
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Mt. Cronin.
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Dale on the summit.
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Looking down from the summit. Our descent involved skiing the south ridge, then the east bowl, hiking back up to the saddle (just out of view to the left) and then down the sloping road cut into the west gully system.
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Another view of the descent route showing the lower section better.
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Working for a regulation summit ski descent. Fortunately the thin cover only lasted for 20 m or so.
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We skied into the East Bowl and then climbed back up to the saddle on the South Ridge.
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Crossing though the saddle and back onto the west side now.
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Views of the upper west slopes.
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The road cut.
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Starting down the main gully.
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Further into the upper gully.
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Mid gully.
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Lower gully.
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Bottom of the gully. We transitioned back to the snow-covered road at the bottom of the photo and skied down this for another km or so.
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