program mac_2d c *** This program solves the 2D Euler equations using MacCormack's c *** method. The equations are solved in non-dimensional form with the c *** inlet density, temperature, and velocity as well as the duct length c *** used as scaling parameters. Thus the code solves for c *** rho*=rho/rho1, u*=u/u1, p*=p/(rho1*u1^2), Et*=Et/(rho1*u1^2) c *** as a function of x*=x/L. include '2d_mac.h' real cons(Lx,Ly,4), R(Lx,Ly,4), R_old(Lx,Ly,4), prim(Lx,Ly,4), & quasi(Lx,4), work(Lx,Ly,8), sum1(5), error(4) c *** Open files and write headers. open(unit=1,file='2d_mac.inp') open(unit=3,file='grid.dat') open(unit=4,file='avg_solution.dat') open(unit=8,file='vel.out',form='unformatted') open(unit=12,file='rms_error.dat') open(unit=13,file='final_error.dat') open(unit=14,file='min_max.dat') open(unit=15,file='rhs_rms.dat') open(unit=19,file='quasi.dat') write( 4, 4) 4 format( & '# x/L rho/rho1 u/u1 v/u1 p/p1') write(12,12) 12 format( & '# time error rho error u error v error p') write(13,13) 13 format( & '# x/L error rho error u error v error p') write(14,14) 14 format('# time rho_max u_max v_max p_max rho_min', & ' u_min v_min p_min') write(15,15) 15 format('# time R1_rms R2_rms R3_rms', & ' R4_rms M_min') 19 format( & '# x/L rho/rho1 u/u1 v/u1 p/p1') c *** Read inputs from the file 2d_mac.inp. call input( i_restart, nt_max, n_skip, i_plot3d, & i_cfl, dt0, cfl0 ) c *** Initialize constants etc. call init( ) c *** Read the grid file. call read_grid( ) c *** Compute the grid metrics. call metrics( ) c *** Either read or generate a new velocity field. if( i_restart .eq. 1 ) then open(unit=2,file='',form='unformatted') call read_field( cons, prim ) else call initial_field( cons, prim, quasi ) end if c *** Find the quasi-1-D exact solution. call quasi_exact( M_inlet, p_ratio, grid, cent, Nx, Ny, & quasi(1,1), quasi(1,2), quasi(1,3), quasi(1,4), x_s ) c *** Compute the initial cfl number and initial statistics. if( i_cfl .ne. 0 ) call get_cfl( cons, prim, cfl_by_dt ) call stats( prim, R, work(1,1,1), work(5,1,1), work(9,1,1) ) write(14,21) time, (work(i,1,1),i=1,8) c *** Enter the time stepping loop, which consists of an outer loop over c *** the number of time steps and an inner loop over the number of c *** Runge-Kutta substeps. R_old = 0.0 do nt=1, nt_max c *** Compute the time step. if( i_cfl .eq. 0 ) then dt = dt0 else dt = cfl0 / cfl_by_dt end if c *** Enter the Runge-Kutta loop. do nrk=1, nrk_max c *** Compute the current right hand side. Choose between MacCormack c *** and first order upwind. if( i_scheme .eq. 0 ) then call rhs_mac(cons, prim, R, nrk, work(1,1,1), work(1,1,5)) else if( i_scheme .eq. 1 ) then call rhs_up1(cons, prim, R, nrk, work(1,1,1), work(1,1,5)) else print *, 'Error: no scheme for i_scheme = ', i_scheme end if c *** Perform the solution update. do n=1, 4 do j=2, Ny+1 do i=2, Nx+1 cons(i,j,n) = ? R_old(i,j,n) = R(i,j,n) end do end do end do c *** Apply the boundary conditions. call bc_in_ex( cons, prim, beta(nrk)*dt ) call bc_uw_lw( cons, prim ) c *** Compute the primitive variables from the conservative solution. call get_prim( cons, prim ) end do time = time + dt c *** Compute the cfl number. if( i_cfl .ne. 0 ) call get_cfl( cons, prim, cfl_by_dt ) c *** Compute and write averaged variables and deviation from c *** the quasi-1-D solution. if( mod(nt,n_skip) .eq. 0 .or. nt .eq. 1 ) then call stats( prim, R, work(1,1,1), work(5,1,1), work(9,1,1) ) write(14,21) time, (work(i,1,1),i=1,8) write(15,20) time, (work(i,1,1),i=9,13) 20 format(1p,6e12.4) 21 format(f8.4,8f9.4) error = 0.0 do i=2, Nx+1 sum1 = 0.0 do j=2, Ny+1 do n=1, 4 sum1(n) = sum1(n) + prim(i,j,n)*vol(i,j) end do sum1(5) = sum1(5) + vol(i,j) end do do n=1, 4 sum1(n) = sum1(n) / sum1(5) error(n) = error(n) + ( sum1(n) - quasi(i,n) )**2 end do end do do n=1, 4 error(n) = sqrt( error(n)*Nx_inv ) end do write(12,20) time, (error(n), n=1, 4) c *** Check to make sure the solution is not blowing up. if( work(8,1,1) .lt. 0.01 ) then print *, 'Solution blowing up, terminating on time step ',nt goto 99 end if end if end do c *** Write plot3d file if desired. 99 if( i_plot3d .eq. 1 ) then open(unit=10,file='') open(unit=11,file='sol.q') write(10,*) Nx+2, Ny+2 do n=1, 2 do j=1, Ny+2 do i=1, Nx+2 write(10,*) grid(i,j,n) end do end do end do write(11,*) Nx+2, Ny+2 write(11,*) 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 do n=1, 4 do j=1, ny+2 do i=1, Nx+2 write(11,*) prim(i,j,n) end do end do end do end if c *** Compute and write the solution averaged in y. do n=1, 4 error(n) = 0.0 end do do i=1, Nx+2 x = cent(i,1,1) sum1 = 0.0 do j=2, Ny+1 do n=1, 4 sum1(n) = sum1(n) + prim(i,j,n)*vol(i,j) end do sum1(5) = sum1(5) + vol(i,j) end do do n=1, 4 sum1(n) = sum1(n) / sum1(5) error(n) = sum1(n) - quasi(i,n) end do sum1(4) = sum1(4)*p_fac write(13,20) x, (error(n), n=1, 4) write( 4,20) x, ( sum1(n), n=1, 4) write(19,20) x, (quasi(i,n), n=1, 3), quasi(i,4)*p_fac end do c *** Write the final solution for use in a restart. call write_field( cons, 8 ) stop end function Area( x ) pi = acos( -1.0 ) Area = ? return end function dAreadx( x ) pi = acos( -1.0 ) dAreadx = ? return end subroutine bc_in_ex( cons, prim, dt_bc ) include '2d_mac.h' real cons(Lx,Ly,4), prim(Lx,Ly,4) i=1 do j=1, Ny+2 prim(i,j,1) = ? prim(i,j,2) = ? prim(i,j,3) = ? prim(i,j,4) = ? cons(i,j,1) = ? cons(i,j,2) = ? cons(i,j,3) = ? cons(i,j,4) = ? end do i=Nx+2 do j=1, Ny+2 dx_inv = 1.0/( cent(i,j,1) - cent(i-1,j,1) ) c_exit = ? drhodx = ? dudx = ? dvdx = ? dpdx = ? prim(i,j,1) = ? prim(i,j,2) = ? prim(i,j,3) = ? prim(i,j,4) = ? cons(i,j,1) = ? cons(i,j,2) = ? cons(i,j,3) = ? cons(i,j,4) = ? end do return end subroutine bc_uw_lw( cons, prim ) include '2d_mac.h' real cons(Lx,Ly,4), prim(Lx,Ly,4) c *** Lower boundary. Assumes streamline j=1 do i=1, Nx+2 U_wall = ( prim(i,j+1,2)*sy(i,j+1,2) - & prim(i,j+1,3)*sy(i,j+1,1) )*ds_x_inv(i,j+1) ub = 2*U_wall*sy(i,j+1,2)*ds_x_inv(i,j+1) - prim(i,j+1,2) vb = -2*U_wall*sy(i,j+1,1)*ds_x_inv(i,j+1) - prim(i,j+1,3) pb = 2*prim(i,j+1,4) - prim(i,j+2,4) rhob = prim(i,j+1,1)*(pb/prim(i,j+1,4)) cons(i,j,1) = rhob cons(i,j,2) = rhob*ub cons(i,j,3) = rhob*vb cons(i,j,4) = c0_inv*pb + 0.5*rhob*( ub**2 + vb**2 ) prim(i,j,1) = rhob prim(i,j,2) = ub prim(i,j,3) = vb prim(i,j,4) = pb end do c *** Upper boundary. Assumes streamline j=Ny+2 do i=1, Nx+2 U_wall = ( prim(i,j-1,2)*sy(i,j,2) - & prim(i,j-1,3)*sy(i,j,1) )*ds_x_inv(i,j) ub = 2*U_wall*sy(i,j,2)*ds_x_inv(i,j) - prim(i,j-1,2) vb = -2*U_wall*sy(i,j,1)*ds_x_inv(i,j) - prim(i,j-1,3) pb = 2*prim(i,j-1,4) - prim(i,j-2,4) rhob = prim(i,j-1,1)*(pb/prim(i,j-1,4)) cons(i,j,1) = rhob cons(i,j,2) = rhob*ub cons(i,j,3) = rhob*vb cons(i,j,4) = c0_inv*pb + 0.5*rhob*( ub**2 + vb**2 ) prim(i,j,1) = rhob prim(i,j,2) = ub prim(i,j,3) = vb prim(i,j,4) = pb end do return end subroutine get_cfl( cons, prim, cfl_by_dt ) include '2d_mac.h' real cons(Lx,Ly,4), prim(Lx,Ly,4) cflx_by_dt = 0.0 cfly_by_dt = 0.0 c *** Base the CFL on the velocity components normal to the cell faces do j=2, Ny+1 do i=2, Nx+1 u_x = ( 0.5*( prim(i,j,2) + prim(i-1,j,2) )* sx(i,j,1) + & 0.5*( prim(i,j,3) + prim(i-1,j,3) )* sx(i,j,2) & )*ds_y_inv(i,j) u_y = ( 0.5*( prim(i,j,2) + prim(i,j-1,2) )* sy(i,j,1) + & 0.5*( prim(i,j,3) + prim(i,j-1,3) )* sy(i,j,2) & )*ds_x_inv(i,j) c = sqrt( gamma_gas*prim(i,j,4)/prim(i,j,1) ) cflx_by_dt = max( cflx_by_dt, (abs(u_x)+c)*ds_x_inv(i,j) ) cfly_by_dt = max( cfly_by_dt, (abs(u_y)+c)*ds_y_inv(i,j) ) end do end do cfl_by_dt = cflx_by_dt + cfly_by_dt return end subroutine get_prim( cons, prim ) include '2d_mac.h' real cons(Lx,Ly,4), prim(Lx,Ly,4) do j=1, Ny+2 do i=1, Nx+2 prim(i,j,1) = ? prim(i,j,2) = ? prim(i,j,3) = ? prim(i,j,4) = ? end do end do return end subroutine init( ) include '2d_mac.h' pi = acos(-1.0) c0 = gamma_gas - 1.0 c0_inv = 1.0/c0 p_fac = gamma_gas*M_inlet**2 p_fac_inv = 1.0/p_fac p_exit = p_ratio*p_fac_inv Nx_inv = 1.0/Nx NxNy_inv = 1.0/(Nx*Ny) c *** Define weights for Runge-Kutta time stepping. if( nrk_max .eq. 1 ) then gamma(1) = 1.0 zeta( 1) = 0.0 else if( nrk_max .eq. 2 ) then gamma(1) = 1.0 gamma(2) = 0.5 zeta(1) = 0.0 zeta(2) =-0.5 else if( nrk_max .eq. 3 ) then gamma(1) = 8.0/15.0 gamma(2) = 5.0/12.0 gamma(3) = 3.0/4.0 zeta(1) = 0.0 zeta(2) =-17.0/60.0 zeta(3) =-5.0/12.0 else print *, 'ERROR: chosen Runge-Kutta scheme not yet implemented' print *, 'you specified nrk = ', nrk stop end if do n=1, nrk_max beta(n) = gamma(n) + zeta(n) end do time = 0.0 return end subroutine initial_field( cons, prim, quasi ) include '2d_mac.h' real cons(Lx,Ly,4), prim(Lx,Ly,4), quasi(Lx,4) c *** Sovle the quasi-1-D problem without a shock. call quasi_exact( M_inlet, 0.0, grid, cent, Nx, Ny, & quasi(1,1), quasi(1,2), quasi(1,3), quasi(1,4), x_s ) c *** Initialize the conservative variables on the interior. Estimate c *** the vertical velocity from the slope of the upper boundary. do i=2, Nx+1 slope = ( grid(i+1,Ny+2,2)-grid(i,Ny+2,2) )/ & ( grid(i+1,Ny+2,1)-grid(i,Ny+2,1) ) h_inv = 1.0/grid(i,Ny+2,2) do j=2, Ny+1 prim(i,j,1) = ? prim(i,j,2) = ? prim(i,j,3) = quasi(i,2)*slope*cent(i,j,2)*h_inv prim(i,j,4) = ? cons(i,j,1) = ? cons(i,j,2) = ? cons(i,j,3) = ? cons(i,j,4) = ? end do end do c *** Initialize the variables on the inlet and exit boundaries i=1 do j=1, Ny+2 cons(i,j,1) = cons(i+1,j,1) cons(i,j,2) = cons(i+1,j,2) cons(i,j,3) = 0.0 cons(i,j,4) = cons(i+1,j,4) prim(i,j,1) = prim(i+1,j,1) prim(i,j,2) = prim(i+1,j,2) prim(i,j,3) = 0.0 prim(i,j,4) = prim(i+1,j,4) end do i=Nx+2 do j=1, Ny+2 cons(i,j,1) = cons(i-1,j,1) cons(i,j,2) = cons(i-1,j,2) cons(i,j,3) = 0.0 cons(i,j,4) = cons(i-1,j,4) prim(i,j,1) = prim(i-1,j,1) prim(i,j,2) = prim(i-1,j,2) prim(i,j,3) = 0.0 prim(i,j,4) = prim(i-1,j,4) end do c *** Initialize the variables on the upper and lower boundaries call bc_uw_lw( cons, prim ) return end subroutine input( i_restart, nt_max, n_skip, i_plot3d, & i_cfl, dt0, cfl0 ) include '2d_mac.h' read(1,10) i_restart, nt_max, n_skip, i_plot3d, & i_cfl, dt0, cfl0, i_scheme, nrk_max, eps_diss, & M_inlet, p_ratio 10 format(i6,/,i6,/,i6,/,i6,//, & i6,/,e15.4,/,f12.5,/,i6,/,i6,/,f12.5,//, & f12.5,/,f12.5) if( i_scheme .eq. 0 ) nrk_max = 2 print *, 'i_restart, nt_max, n_skip, i_plot3d = ' print *, i_restart, nt_max, n_skip, i_plot3d print *, 'i_cfl, dt0, cfl0, i_scheme, nrk_max, eps_diss = ' print *, i_cfl, dt0, cfl0, i_scheme, nrk_max, eps_diss print *, 'M_inlet, p_ratio = ' print *, M_inlet, p_ratio return end subroutine metrics( ) include '2d_mac.h' c *** Compute cell center coordinates. do n=1, 2 do j=1, Ny+2 do i=1, Nx+2 cent(i,j,n) = 0.25*( grid(i,j ,n) + grid(i+1,j ,n) + & grid(i,j+1,n) + grid(i+1,j+1,n) ) end do end do end do c *** Compute the metrics for an east face. do i=1, Nx+3 do j=1, Ny+2 dxe = grid(i,j+1,1) - grid(i,j,1) dye = grid(i,j+1,2) - grid(i,j,2) sx(i,j,1) = ? sx(i,j,2) = ? ds_y_inv(i,j) = 1.0 / sqrt( dxe**2 + dye**2 ) end do end do c *** Compute the metrics for a north face. do i=1, Nx+2 do j=1, Ny+3 dxn = grid(i+1,j,1) - grid(i,j,1) dyn = grid(i+1,j,2) - grid(i,j,2) sy(i,j,1) = ? sy(i,j,2) = ? ds_x_inv(i,j) = 1.0 / sqrt( dxn**2 + dyn**2 ) end do end do c *** Compute the cell volume. do j=1, Ny+2 do i=1, Nx+2 a = sqrt( sx(i ,j ,1)**2 + sx(i ,j ,2)**2 ) b = sqrt( sy(i ,j ,1)**2 + sy(i ,j ,2)**2 ) c = sqrt( sx(i+1,j ,1)**2 + sx(i+1,j ,2)**2 ) d = sqrt( sy(i ,j+1,1)**2 + sy(i ,j+1,2)**2 ) p = sqrt( (grid(i+1,j+1,1)-grid(i ,j,1))**2 + & (grid(i+1,j+1,2)-grid(i ,j,2))**2 ) q = sqrt( (grid(i ,j+1,1)-grid(i+1,j,1))**2 + & (grid(i ,j+1,2)-grid(i+1,j,2))**2 ) arg = (2*p*q)**2 - ( b**2 + d**2 - a**2 -c**2 )**2 vol(i,j) = & 0.25*sqrt( (2*p*q)**2 - ( b**2 + d**2 - a**2 -c**2 )**2 ) vol_inv(i,j) = 1.0 / vol(i,j) end do end do return end subroutine quasi_exact( M_inlet, p_ratio, grid, cent, Nx, Ny, & rho, u, v, p, x_s ) c *** Solve the quasi-1D equations exactly. c *** Arguments: c *** M_inlet - inlet Mach number (input) c *** p_ratio - exit to inlet pressure ratio (input) c *** grid(Nx+3,Ny+3) - grid c *** cent(Nx+3,Ny+3) - cell center locations c *** Nx - number of points in x (input) c *** Ny - number of points in x (input) c *** rho(Nx+2) - density scaled by inlet density (output) c *** u(Nx+2) - velocity scaled by inlet velocity (output) c *** v(Nx+2) - velocity scaled by inlet velocity (output) c *** p(Nx+2) - pressure scaled by inlet density times inlet velocity^2 c *** (output) c *** x_s - shock location scaled by duct length (output) parameter( gamma_gas=1.4 ) real M_inlet, M_save, M, M1, M1_sq, M2_sq real grid(Nx+3,Ny+3,2), cent(Nx+3,Ny+3,2) real rho(Nx+2), u(Nx+2), v(Nx+2), p(Nx+2) c *** Define functions. f(M) = (A/A*)^2, df(m) = df/dM. f( M) = ( ( c2*( 1.0 + c1*M**2 ) )**c3 )/M**2 df(M) = 2.0/M*( ( c2*( 1.0 + c1*M**2 ) )**c4 - f(M) ) c *** Define frequently used constants c1 = 0.5*( gamma_gas - 1.0 ) c2 = 2.0/( gamma_gas + 1.0 ) c3 = ( gamma_gas + 1.0 ) / ( gamma_gas - 1.0 ) c4 = c3 - 1.0 c5 = gamma_gas / ( gamma_gas - 1.0 ) c6 = 1.0 / ( gamma_gas - 1.0 ) c7 = 1.0/(gamma_gas*M_inlet**2) p_exit = c7*p_ratio c *** Enter the iteration loop for the shock position. c *** The shock position, x_s, is set to an initial guess. x_0 = grid(2 ,1,1) x_L = grid(Nx+2,1,1) x_s = 0.7654321*( x_L - x_0 ) + x_0 if( p_ratio .eq. 0.0 ) x_s = 2.0*x_L do k=1, 10 c *** Set reference quantities to values at the inlet. x_ref = cent(2,1,1) A_ratio_sq_ref = f(M_inlet) T_factor = 1.0 + c1*M_inlet**2 p_factor = T_factor**c5 M_save = M_inlet c *** Enter the loop to march down the inlet. do i=2, NX+1 x = cent(i ,1,1) xp = cent(i+1,1,1) c *** Compute the local area ratio A_ratio_sq = A_ratio_sq_ref*(Area(x)/Area(x_ref))**2 c *** Use Newton iteration to determin the local Mach number. c *** As an initial guess, use the Mach number from the prior x station. M = M_save do j=1, 10 error = f(M) - A_ratio_sq M = M - error/df(M) end do c *** Compute the remainder of the flow variables. T = T_factor / ( 1.0 + c1*M**2 ) pp = p_factor / ( 1.0 + c1*M**2 )**c5 rho(i) = pp / T p(i) = c7*pp u(i) = M/M_inlet*sqrt( T ) v(i) = 0.0 M_save = M c *** Compute the jumps across the shock wave. c *** Note that X_s need not lie on a mesh point. if( x .le. x_s .and. x_s .lt. xp .and. M .gt. 1.0 ) then x = x_s A_ratio_sq = A_ratio_sq_ref*(Area(x)/Area(x_ref))**2 M1 = M do j=1, 10 error = f(M1) - A_ratio_sq M1 = M1 - error/df(M1) end do M1_sq = M1**2 M2_sq= ( 1.0 + c1*M1_sq )/( gamma_gas*M1_sq - c1 ) p_jump = 1.0 + c2*gamma_gas*( M1_sq - 1.0 ) rho_jump = ( M1_sq/c2 ) / ( 1.0 + c1*M1_sq ) p0_jump= ( rho_jump**gamma_gas/p_jump )**c6 c *** Adjust the pressure and area ratio reference values c *** to account for the loss in total pressure. P_factor= p_factor*p0_jump A_ratio_sq_ref = A_ratio_sq_ref*p0_jump**2 M_save = sqrt( M2_sq ) end if end do c *** Use secant bisection to update the shock position. if( p_ratio .eq. 0.0 ) p_exit = p(Nx+1) error = p(Nx+1) - p_exit if( k .eq. 1 ) then x_s_old = x_s x_s = x_s + 0.1 if( abs(error) .lt. 1.e-7 ) return else derror = ( error - error_old )/( x_s - x_s_old ) x_s_old = x_s x_s = x_s - error/derror if( abs(error) .lt. 1.e-7 ) goto 90 end if error_old = error end do c *** If the program gets here the shock position iteration failed. print *, 'WARNING shock position iteration did not converge' print *, 'final error = ', error 90 continue rho( 1) = rho( 2) u( 1) = u( 2) v( 1) = v( 2) p( 1) = p( 2) rho(Nx+2) = rho(Nx+1) u( Nx+2) = u( Nx+1) v( Nx+2) = v( Nx+1) p( Nx+2) = p( Nx+1) return end subroutine read_field( cons, prim ) include '2d_mac.h' real cons(Lx,Ly,4), prim(Lx,Ly,4) real M_inlet0 read(2) Lx0, Ly0 read(2) time0 read(2) M_inlet0, p_ratio0 if( Lx0 .ne. Lx .or. Ly0 .ne. Ly ) then print *, 'Restart dimensions do not match' print *, 'Lx0, Ly0 = ', Lx0, Ly0 stop end if if( abs(M_inlet0-M_inlet) .gt. 1.0e-10 .or. & abs(p_ratio0-p_ratio) .gt. 1.0e-10 ) then print *, & 'WARNING gas parameters from restart and input do not match' print *, 'M_inlet, p_ratio =' write(6,10) 'restart file', M_inlet0, p_ratio0 write(6,10) 'input file', M_inlet , p_ratio 10 format(a12,1p5e12.4) end if read(2) cons call get_prim( cons, prim ) time = time0 return end subroutine read_grid( ) include '2d_mac.h' read(3,*) Nxg, Nyg if( Nxg .ne. Nx+1 .or. Nyg .ne. Ny+1 ) then print *, 'Error grid dimensions wrong, Nxg, Nx+1, Nyg, Ny+1 = ' print *, Nxg, Nx+1, Nyg, Ny+1 stop end if do j=2, Ny+2 do i=2, Nx+2 read(3,*) grid(i,j,1), grid(i,j,2) end do end do do j=2, Ny+2 grid(1 ,j,1) = 2*grid(2 ,j,1) - grid(3 ,j,1) grid(1 ,j,2) = 2*grid(2 ,j,2) - grid(3 ,j,2) grid(Nx+3,j,1) = 2*grid(Nx+2,j,1) - grid(Nx+1,j,1) grid(Nx+3,j,2) = 2*grid(Nx+2,j,2) - grid(Nx+1,j,2) end do do i=1, Nx+3 grid(i,1 ,1) = 2*grid(i,2 ,1) - grid(i,3 ,1) grid(i,1 ,2) = 2*grid(i,2 ,2) - grid(i,3 ,2) grid(i,Ny+3,1) = 2*grid(i,Ny+2,1) - grid(i,Ny+1,1) grid(i,Ny+3,2) = 2*grid(i,Ny+2,2) - grid(i,Ny+1,2) end do return end subroutine rhs_mac( cons, prim, R, nrk, flux_x, flux_y ) include '2d_mac.h' real cons(Lx,Ly,4), prim(Lx,Ly,4), R(Lx,Ly,4), & flux_x(Lx,Ly,4), flux_y(Lx,Ly,4) real f(4), g(4) if( nrk .eq. 1 ) then i_shift = 0 j_shift = 0 else i_shift = -1 j_shift = -1 end if c *** Compute fluxes across west faces for the interior. do j=2, Ny+1 do i=2, Nx+2 is = i + i_shift f(1) = ? f(2) = ? f(3) = ? f(4) = ? g(1) = ? g(2) = ? g(3) = ? g(4) = ? do n=1, 4 flux_x(i,j,n) = ? end do end do end do c *** Compute fluxes across south faces for the interior. do i=2, Nx+1 do j=2, Ny+2 js = j + j_shift f(1) = ? f(2) = ? f(3) = ? f(4) = ? g(1) = ? g(2) = ? g(3) = ? g(4) = ? do n=1, 4 flux_y(i,j,n) = ? end do end do end do c *** Compute fluxes for the j=2, j=Ny+2 boundaries. do j=2, Ny+2, Ny do i=2, Nx+1 if( j .eq. 2 ) then jj = j jj1 = j+1 else jj = j-1 jj1 = j-2 end if p_wall = 0.5*( 3*prim(i,jj,4) - prim(i,jj1,4) ) flux_y(i,j,1) = ? flux_y(i,j,2) = ? flux_y(i,j,3) = ? flux_y(i,j,4) = ? end do end do c *** Sum fluxes and divide by the volume. Add dissipation also. fac = eps_diss/dt do n=1, 4 do j=2, Ny+1 do i=2, Nx+1 diss = fac*(cons(i-1,j,n)-2.0*cons(i,j,n)+cons(i+1,j,n) + & cons(i,j-1,n)-2.0*cons(i,j,n)+cons(i,j+1,n) ) R(i,j,n) = ? + diss end do end do end do return end subroutine rhs_up1( cons, prim, R, nrk, flux_x, flux_y ) c *** Compute the right hand side using a first order upwind scheme. c *** You do not need to complete this routine if you just want to c *** stick with MacCormack's scheme. include '2d_mac.h' real cons(Lx,Ly,4), prim(Lx,Ly,4), R(Lx,Ly,4), & flux_x(Lx,Ly,4), flux_y(Lx,Ly,4) real f(4), g(4) c *** Lots of good stuff goes in here. return end subroutine stats( prim, rhs, prim_max, prim_min, rhs_rms ) include '2d_mac.h' real prim(Lx,Ly,4), rhs(Lx,Ly,4), prim_max(4), prim_min(4), & rhs_rms(5) real mach do n=1, 4 prim_max(n) = 0.0 prim_min(n) = 1.0e+10 rhs_rms( n) = 0.0 end do rhs_rms(5) = m_inlet do j=2, Ny+1 do i=2, Nx+1 if( prim(i,j,4) .lt. prim_min(4) ) then ip_min = i jp_min = j end if do n=1, 4 prim_max(n) = max(prim_max(n),prim(i,j,n)) prim_min(n) = min(prim_min(n),prim(i,j,n)) rhs_rms(n) = rhs_rms(n) + rhs(i,j,n)**2 end do mach = & sqrt( prim(i,j,1)*( prim(i,j,2)**2 + prim(i,j,3)**2 ) / & (gamma_gas*prim(i,j,4)) ) rhs_rms(5) = min( rhs_rms(5), mach ) end do end do do n=1, 4 rhs_rms(n) = sqrt( rhs_rms(n)*NxNy_inv ) end do return end subroutine write_field( cons, iunit ) include '2d_mac.h' real cons(Lx,Ly,4) write(iunit) Lx, Ly write(iunit) time write(iunit) M_inlet, p_ratio write(iunit) cons return end