c (and its variants c+, c++, etc) is one of the most widely used languages for application development under the unix operating system. As such, it is almost certain that a c compiler is already installed if you are working under linux or mac os. The commands "whereis cc" or "whereis gcc" or "locate gcc" or spotlight/gcc or spotlight/cc (on mac) should point you to the compiler. If by some odd chance you are sure that a c compiler is not istalled, you can download and install gcc from gnu.org. See the wiki in this case. You can also most likely find a precompiled package for your unix operating system. Under linux, "yum install gcc" should do it. There should be analgous "disk image" packages available for mac.

Unlike unix operating systems, a c compiler is not likely to exist on your windows system. You can either buy a commercial compiler or experiment with one of the free compilers. The following site contains a number of links for free compilers. I downloaded and istalled the cygwin32 and mingw32 versions of gcc listed on this page and managed to get both of these working. You can also visit gnu.org. in order to get gcc directly. It may be possible to obtain a "native windows" compiler from gcc, which avoids the need to install the cygwin or mingw unix command emulator first.


A good c language tutorial can be found here.