Handout #1
ASEN 5327 Computational Fluid Dynamics
Spring 2009
Tu, Th 17:00-18:15 EECR 118
Professor Thomas S. Lund
Office: ECOT 534
Hours: 15:00-17:00 Wednesday
Other times by appointment
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (303) 492-2270
Course Web Site:     https://bross.colorado.edu/asen5327
Text: Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics by J.H. Ferziger and M. Peric, Springer, 3rd edition, 2002, ISBN 3-540-42074-6.
Fluid Mechanics, Linear Algebra, Fourier Analysis, Computer Programming.
Purpose of the course
To provide and introduction to numerical methods applied to the equations of fluid mechanics. Important topics to be covered are classification of partial differential equations, finite difference and finite volume approximations, truncation error, consistency and convergence, conservation of physical quantities, numerical methods for convective and diffusive processes, the treatment of non-linearities, finite volume methods for inviscid flow equations.
Course Outline

    1. General introduction
    2. Introduction to numerical methods
    3. Finite difference methods
    4. Finite volume methods
    5. Time marching methods
    6. Compressible Euler and Naier-Stokes equations
    7. A finite volume method for the Euler equations.
    8. Incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Course Mechanics
Homework: Approximately 7 homework assignments will be given.
Homework exercises will be a combination of analysis and computational results
Computer Project: A major component of the course is to write a flow solver for the Euler equations. You may use any computer system that is convenient for you. The only restrictions are that you must be able to compile and run code (most likely FORTRAN or C), obtain a printout, and preferably two-dimensional graphs and contour plots.
Exams: Mid-term exam: Tuesday, March 17, 17:00-18:15.
Final exam: Tuesday, May 5, 19:30–22:00.
Homework 25%
Mid Term Exam 20%
Computer Project 30%
Final Exam 25%

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