Day 1: Grand Balcon Nord (North Balcony) from Chamonix

Route: Aiguille du Midi Tram face, balcony traverse, Montenvers, return to Chamonix
Distance: 12.2 miles
Vertical: 4,500 feet
Date: Oct 11, 2021

Starting the traverse after climbing the tram route.
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Mont Blanc with the tram lines visible.
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Looking NE towards Switzerland with the town of Chamonix 4,000 ft below.
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The next several images are views from the traverse.
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Grand Hôtel du Montenvers.
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Beginning the descent back to Chamonix.
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View from a point below Montenvers.
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Back in Chamonix.
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Day 2: Skyway Monte Bianco Tram, Courmayeur to Plan Checrouit

Route: Courmayeur to Plan Checrouit and back
Distance: 3.7 miles
Vertical: 1,200 feet
Date: Oct 12, 2021

Looking into the Courmayeur Valley from the Mont Blanc Tunnel exit.
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Looking up towards Mont Blanc.
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Riding the Skyway Tram.
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The next several photos are from the Tram observation deck at 11,400 ft. Mont Blanc is mainly hidden by thin clouds.
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Starting the hike in Courmayeur.
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Back in Courmayeur
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Day 3: Courmayeur North Balcony

Route: Courmayeur to North Balcony and back
Distance: 9.0 miles
Vertical: 3,000 feet
Date: Oct 13, 2021

Looking back down to Courmayeur.
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Mont Blanc.
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Refugio Bonatti.
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More Mont Blanc views.
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The next several photos are moving along the traverse.
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Route: Day 4: Col de la Forclaz to Fenetre d'Arpette and back
Distance: 9.0 miles
Vertical: 4,000 feet
Date: Oct 14, 2021

Col de la Forclaz trailhead.
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Starting up the valley.
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The trail was steep in spots.
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Fenetre d'Arpette pass.
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The next several images are views on the way back down.
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Route: Day 5: Tre le Champ to Lac Blanc and back
Distance: 7.9 miles
Vertical: 3,100 feet
Date: Oct 15, 2021

Looking back down at Tre le Champ.
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Starting the traverse after climbing out of the valley.
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Views along the traverse.
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Lac Blanc.
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Refuge du Lac Blanc.
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Views of Aiguille des Grands Montets on the way back down.
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More pictures of Chamonix.
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