Nx 500 Number of points in x Ny 500 Number of points in y Nz 319 Number of points in z #Nz 59 Number of points in z #Nx 1024 Number of points in x #Ny 1024 Number of points in y #Nz 420 Number of points in z #i_decomp 3 #n_pencil_y 1 #k_interface1 280 # 140km #k_interface2 346 # 200km #k_interface3 376 # 260km #k_interface4 396 # 320km #n_les 2 #i_dm_avg 2 #kdm_beg 120 #kdm_end 280 i_atmos_var 1 i_grid 3 0-general grid, 1-cartesian z1_fade 2.00000E+04 Upper altitude where terrain affects the mesh i_restart 1 0-new field, 1-read restart nt_restart 005760 n_steps 48000 Number of time steps n_skip_h 200 Skip factor for history output n_skip_p 200 Skip factor for planes output n_skip_v 2000 Skip factor for volumes output i_cfl 0 0-fixed dt, 1-fixed cfl dt0 0.3 cfl0 0.95000 Fixed CFL (used when i_cfl = 1) nrk_max 3 Time stepping scheme flag: 1-Euler, 2-RK2, 3-RK3 k_xy_plane1 141 # 70km k_xy_plane2 171 # 85km k_xy_plane3 181 # 90km k_xy_plane4 195 # 97km k_xy_plane5 241 # 120km k_xy_plane6 332 # 180km k_xy_plane7 372 # 250km k_xy_plane8 396 # 320km k_xy_plane9 414 # 400km i_read_b 0 1-read background, 0-generate internally i_background -3 i_read_w 1 1-read wind, 0-generate internally i_damp_wind 1 1-damp wind initially near surface, 0-do not i_force 4 Forcing flag: 0-no forcing, 1-forcing t_force 1800 Forcing time scale i_smooth_wind 0 zw_damp_wind 1.00000E+04 Width of wind damping profile zc_damp_wind 2.20000E+04 Altitude for midpoint of wind damping profile i_hydrostat 1 0-compute hydrostatic balance, 1-remove it i_diff_meanT 1 0-allow mean T to diffuse, 1-do not allow i_diff_meanU 1 0-allow mean U to diffuse, 1-do not allow i_backg_flux 1 rot_coords 0.0 x-direction with respect to E-W z0 000.0 Reference altitude rho_o 1.225 Density at reference altitude To 282.6424 Temperature at reference altitude grav 9.81000E+00 Gravitational acceleration vis 1.57033E-05 Viscosity Pr 1.00000 Prandtl number gamma_gas 1.40000 Specific heat ratio R_gas 287.15 Gas constant i_coriolis 0 R_earth 6367449.0 Earth Radius omega_earth 7.27221E-05 iubc_x1 5 Upstream vel. bc flag (see description below) iubc_x2 5 Downstream vel. bc flag (see description below) iubc_y1 5 Right lateral vel. bc flag (see description below) iubc_y2 5 Left lateral vel. bc flag (see description below) iubc_z1 0 Lower vel. bc flag (see description below) iubc_z2 8 Upper vel. bc flag (see description below) itbc_x1 5 Upstream temp. bc flag (see description below) itbc_x2 5 Downstream temp. bc flag (see description below) itbc_y1 5 Right lateral temp. bc flag (see description below) itbc_y2 5 Left lateral temp. bc flag (see description below) itbc_z1 6 Lower temp. bc flag (see description below) itbc_z2 8 Upper temp. bc flag (see description below) i_initial 0 Initial condition type, see below n_skip_filt 1 Skip factor for filtering i_sponge 111101 Binary sponge switch x1x2y1y2z1z2 [xyz][12]=[0,1] w_spongex1 6.00000E+04 Sponge width at x=x0 boundary w_spongex2 6.00000E+04 Sponge width at x=x1 boundary w_spongey1 6.00000E+04 Sponge width at y=y0 boundary w_spongey2 6.00000E+04 Sponge width at y=y1 boundary w_spongez1 0.00000E+04 Sponge width at z=z0 boundary w_spongez2 1.00000E+04 Sponge width at z=z1 boundary t_spongex1 1.50000E+00 Sponge time constant at z=z1 boundary t_spongex2 1.50000E+00 Sponge time constant at z=z0 boundary t_spongey1 1.50000E+00 Sponge time constant at z=z1 boundary t_spongey2 1.50000E+00 Sponge time constant at z=z0 boundary t_spongez1 0.00000E+00 Sponge time constant at z=z1 boundary t_spongez2 1.00000E+00 Sponge time constant at z=z0 boundary Boundary condition flags: Velocity Temperature 0 - No stress 0 - Adiabatic 1 - No slip 1 - Isothermal 2*- Transpiraton 2 - Transpiration 3*- Radiation 3 - Radiation 4*- Inflow/outflow 4 - Inflow/outflow 5 - Periodic 5 - periodic 6*- Extrapolation 6 - Extrapolation 7*- Use forcing 7 - Use forcing 8 - characteristic 8 - characteristic 9 - free stream 9 - free stream * means not currently implemented