Gravity Wave/Tide Interaction

Horizontal wavelength 100 km, vertical wavelength ~ 20 km. Domain extends from 25 to 250 km in the vertical and 100 km in the streamwise direction. 60 x 960 mesh points, giving mesh spacings of 1667 x 235 m. Realistic background thermodynamic state based on Vadas and Fritts 2006, 2007 and realistic tidal winds. Forcing at the lower boundary ramped up over 1.8 wave periods. Total simulation duration 13 wave periods. There are 100 frames in the animations, each separated by 0.13 wave periods.
Other info - mean wind=60 m/s, wave amplitude on lower boundary=7.0e-4, frequency on lower boundary=N/5.2, N varies between 0.0197 1/s at the lower boundary to 0.0102 1/s at the upper boundary. The density varies from 4.46E-02 to 1.62E-10 kg/m3 between 25 and 250 km. The kinematic viscosity at 25 km is 3.5e-4 m^2/s.

Click here to see a complete tabulation of the background thermodynamic state

Image sequences and movies

Streamwise velocity, xz plane

image sequence
quicktime movie
avi movie u.avi

Vorticity Magnitude, xz plane

image sequence
quicktime movie
avi movie vort_mag.avi