WRF simulation of flow over New Zealand

The WRF data for the period 06/20/2014 18:00 UTC to 06/23/2014 23:00 UTC is sampled at an altitude of 4 km on a 2088 x 1788 km (E-W x N-S) domain. The grid spacing is 6.0 km in both horizontal directions and thus 349 x 299 points are used. Sampling in time is at 1 hour intervals. Below is an image of the domain showing elevation contours for the New Zealand land masses.


Here is an animation sequence of the vertical velocity. Click on the image to start the movie.
wrf w movie

The wrf data can be accessed via the link below. This is a direct-access, double-precision data file of the form u(Nx,Ny,5,Nt) where Nx=349, Ny=299, the 5 fields are p, theta, u, v, w and Nt=55. Note that the fields are ordered differently from the soda boundary forcing data file and that pressure is also included here.