Mt. Parnassus (13,580)

Route: Drain Pipe Couloir Distance: 5.3 miles
Vertical: 3,200 feet
Date: May 19, 2024
Time: 4 hours 50 minutes
Partners: Kyle, Rachel, Colin

Rachel, Kyle, and Colin with Mt. Parnassus in the background.
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The drainpipe couloir is directly above Kyle's head, but view of the lower section is blocked by the trees.
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We were able to skin to the base of the couloir, where we transitioned to booting.
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Climbing above the narrow, curvy section.
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Kyle led most of the climb.
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It gets a bit steep near the top of the couloir.
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Kyle and Colin at the top of the couloir.
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The last bit to the summit is fairly flat.
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Summit views.
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Kyle ad Rachel on the summit.
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Kyle skiing.
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Resting above the narrow section.
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The apron below the couloir. The trailhead is at the confluence of the two drainages, far below.
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