San Luis Peak (14,023)
Route: South Ridge to South West Face
Distance: 14.2 miles
Vertical: 4,200 feet
Date: May 16, 2024
Time: 13 hours
Partners: Alex Platt
Our route. Ascent is in blue, descent in red.

We managed to get Alex's truck stuck on the way in the evening before the
trip. It took us nearly two hours to free it!

Patchy snow for the first several miles.

The next several pictures are views as we approached the first saddle.

Sun rise over San Luis Peak.

Looking back up from below the Saddle.

Alex starting the traverse with San Luis pass in the background.

Further along.

Approaching the second saddle.

Looking back at the second and first saddles.

Me skinning.

San Luis in profile.

Approaching the third saddle.

Looking back from the third saddle.

Looking up toward San Luis' South Ridge.

Skinning along the ridge.

Making progress.

End of the ridge.

Exact summit.

Me on the summit.

Views from the summit.

Me skiing off the summit.

Skiing further down.

Alex riding.

View across the valley.

The snow ended before the bottom of the slope.

Looking back up at the ski run.

Our exit path involved soft snow and many downed trees.

Walking past the Equity Mine.