Argentine Peak (13,738)
Square Top Mountain (13,794)

Route: From Guenella Pass road closure Distance: 10.5 miles
Vertical: 3,640 feet
Date: April 30, 2023
Time: 7 hours 20 minutes
Partners: Brad Bond and Alex Platt

Looking up from treeline.
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Looking back down at our approach route. The start is in the dense forest below the lake.
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Starting to climb Argentine Peak with Square Top Mountain in the background.
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Looking back down from higher up.
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In the upper basin.
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Me clearing the upper headwall.
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Starting up the summit ridge.
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Higher on the ridge.
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View from the summit.
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Looking back at Argentine from the climb on Square Top. The following two pictures are similar views from progressively higher on Square Top.
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Looking east from the summit.
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Brad skiing down.
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Me skiing down.
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Looking back at Square Top on the way out.
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