Vortex Pair Simulations


Numerical simulations of two-dimensional vortex pairs in conjunction with radially-dependent eddy viscosity distributions were performed in order to test the turbulent diffusion hypothesis and to study the effects of buoyancy. The simulations make use of the analytically-determined eddy viscosity distribution described in the vortex diffusion write-up. The analytic eddy viscosity distribution required some modifications since it was was derived for a single vortex and it diverges like r^2 for large distances from the vortex center, and like 1/(1-t/tau) for t-->tau (with tau being ~10t*). The fix was remove the time dependence and to apply a radially-dependent damping function, so that the eddy viscosity would actually decrease at large distances from the vortex center. The damping function is derived from a hyperbolic tangent function as follows

D(r) = 0.5*[ 1 - tanh(2.5*(r-r_c)/r_w) ]

where r_c=b, r_w=b/5, where b is the instantaneous vortex spacing. The damped eddy viscosity distributions from the two vortices was superimposed using a special non-overlapping summation where the eddy viscosity at any field point is simply equal to the value due to the closest vortex. The end result is shown in the image below

eddy viscosity

While the basic shape of the eddy viscosity distribution is fixed in time, it translates with the vortex pair as it descends. To do this, the vortex cores are tracked in time by finding the two locations of minimum pressure.

The simulations target a B747 wake with initial vortex spacing of b0=46 m, an initial altitude of 279 m, an initial circulation of gamma0=550 m^2/s, and an initial vortex core radius of R=1 m. The initial velocity field is simply the superposition of two Burnham-Hallock vortices.

The simulations were performed on a computational domain extending from the surface to 560 m in altitude (z direction), and spanning 375 m in the horizontal (x) direction. A grid with Nx=1875, Nz=2800 was used so that the mesh spacing is 0.2 m in both directions. Slip walls were used at the top and bottom, whereas periodic boundary conditions were used in the horizontal directions. The slip wall condition at the top and the periodic conditions in the horizontal are slightly problematic in that they imply the presence of non-physical image vortices. However, the effect of the image vortices was minimized by making the domain much larger than the minimal dimensions required to resolve the primary vortices. In order to study the effects of buoyancy, two simulations were performed, one with an isothermal atmosphere, and one with a neutral atmosphere.


Case 1 uses an isothermal atmosphere with temperature T=300k. This gives a buoyancy period of 352 seconds, or equivalently 5.9 minutes. Case 2 uses a temperature lapse rate of -9.77 k/km, which produces a neutral atmosphere. Circulation time histories from the two simulations, (computed on a circle of radius 15 m), are shown in the following plot.

The circulation time histories from the two simulations are rather similar and both are in reasonable agreement with the expected linear decay. The gradual flattening of the simulation results at later times is due to the lack of inclusion of an eddy viscosity time dependence. The analytic vortex diffusion model for strict linear decay requires a time dependence that is inversely proportional to the instantaneous circulation. This feature does not seem physically correct (at least later in the decay process) and thus it was not included in the simulations. The analytic diffusion model can also be solved without the eddy viscosity time dependence and this result is included as the dashed curve on the plot. The stably-stratified simulation is seen to agree almost perfectly with the static eddy viscosity diffusion model results. Although it might be fortuitous, this result would seem to suggest that the simple axisymmetric diffusion model for a single vortex is suprisingly accurate when applied to the non axisymmetric flow in a vortex pair.

The effectiveness of the eddy viscosity at diffusing vorticity away from the vortex centers can be seen through a time sequence of vorticity images, thresholded at a very small value. Such a time sequence taken from the unstratified simulation, starting at t=0 and sampled every 20 seconds is show below.

vorticity t=0 vorticity t=20

vorticity t=40 vorticity t=60

vorticity t=80 vorticity t=100

vorticity t=120 vorticity t=140

vorticity t=160

The min and max values for the color scale are set to extremely small values in these plots in order to visualize the weak vorticity away from the vortex cores. For reference, the maximum vorticity value at t=0 is 170 1/sec and thus the contour level at 0.2 /sec is at the 0.1% level. The present choice of vorticity color scale makes the cores look much, much larger than their actual size. From these images it is clear that vorticity is rather effectively diffused away from the cores, but then is deposited weakly in rings near the radius where the damping function takes over to decrease the eddy viscosity. Analytic solutions generated with the exact eddy viscosity distribution do not show this effect since the r^2 growth in eddy viscosity continues to diffuse vorticity away from the cores at all radii. Due to the addition of the damping function in the simulations, we are left with a very slight accumulation of vorticity far from the vortex cores. The accumulation occurs outside the 15 m circle where circulation is computed and thus does not affect the measured circulation decay.

Similar to the circulation decay, the simulations produces velocity profiles that look very much like what is found in experimental data. The following plot shows a comparison of the initial Burnham-Hallock profile and the profile taken from the unstratified simulation at t=100 s.
velocity profile

The vortex core size is seen to remain fixed and the overall profile shape remains rather close to the Burnham-Hallock initial condition.

One of the main objectives of this simulation is to aid in the understanding of how buoyancy affects the evolution of the vortex pair. The following image sequence of the perturbation potential temperature, taken from the stably-stratified simulation, is rather useful in this regard. These images start at t=0 and are sampled at 20 second intervals.

potential temp t=0 potential temp t=20

potential temp t=40 potential temp t=60

potential temp t=80 potential temp t=100

potential temp t=120 potential temp t=140

potential temp t=160 potential temp t=180

The simulations were initialized with no potential temperature perturbations and thus the image at t=0 is blank. As soon as the simulation begins, a strong downwash is produced between the vortices and weaker upwashes are produced on the outer edges of the pair. These vertical flows serve to transport lighter fluid (higher potential temperature) to the center and below the vortices, and heavier (lower potential temperature) along the edges and on top of the vortices. The vortices then wind in alternating layer of heavy and light fluid from the top and bottom to form a spiral pattern. This mechanism appears to be rather different from the previous view incorporated in viper where the wake oval would retain its initial value of potential temperature in the absence of turbulent entrainment or detrainment across the oval boundary. In reality it appears that the potential temperature in the wake oval is largely controlled by ingestion of lighter fluid from above the vortex pair.

The vortex cores achieve a reasonably constant value of potential temperature that is different from that in wake oval. Part of this effect is due to the heat generated by viscous dissipation near the core (this effect can be measured in the neutrally-stable simulation). However, the bulk of this effect seems to be due to trapping of fluid within the core, as we have postulated earlier.

Vortex trajectories from the unstratified and stratified simulations are shown in the following two plots.
unstratified vortex trajectory

stratified vortex trajectory

There is considerable difference between the trajectories for the two cases. In the unstratified case the vortices gradually separate as they descend. This behavior is caused by ground effect and it becomes more pronounced as the vortices move closer to the ground. The stably stratified case shows the opposite trend where the vortices move together as they descend. This behavior appears to be the result of baroclinic generation of secondary vorticity, which induced a net flow inward. It also appears that the simulation overestimates this effect. Evidence for this can be seen in the following plot which compares the simulated trajectories with lab measurements.
vortex trajectory compared with lab data

Here we see that the unstratified case agrees reasonably well with the laboratory data. The stably-stratified case, on the other hand, shows a premature decrease in the descent rate followed by an increase after t*=5. The increase at later times appears to be the result of enhanced vertical induced velocity due to the fact that the cores have moved closer together during this time period. Note that the data shows the opposite trend, where the descent rate should be slowing down (and even reversing) as buoyancy forces act against the downward motion.

The secondary vorticity can be seen in the following image sequence.

vorticity t=0 vorticity t=20

vorticity t=40 vorticity t=60

vorticity t=80 vorticity t=100

vorticity t=120 vorticity t=140

vorticity t=160 vorticity t=180