Terrain Surrounding Wild Basin
This page contains terrain elevation data for the Rocky Mountains, near
Wild Basin in Colorado. The data files were generated from the USGS
SRTM 1 arc-second database
SRTM information page
As shown below, the data is presented on a 100 x 100 km square, centered at
40.2N, 105.57W.

Three separate resolutions are available: 100, 50, and 25 m. The 25 m dataset
is close to the SRTM native resolution, whereas the 50 and 100 m datasets are
downsampled. The three datasets contain 1001x1001, 2001x200x, and 4001x4001
points respectively, where the elevation is written in double-precision (64 bit)
floating-point format. The data are given in a Cartesian coordinate system and
data are indexed from the lower left to the upper right
corner, incrementing in the longitude direction first (e.g. the first 1001 points
of the 100m dataset are at the same latitude). The vtk files also contain the
elevation data, but in a format that can be visualized using paraview.
100 m elevation data
100 m vtk file
50 m elevation data
50 m vtk file
25 m elevation data
25 m vtk file