If your question is not answered here, send e-mail to lund.uta.edu.
Q - Can I install FORTRAN on my PC for free?
A - Yes, see the
fortran information
Q - Can I turn in my next assignment in
A - As explained in the course
assignments are not accepted late without prior approval. If you have
a legitimate excuse, ask for an extension in advance.
Q - Are solutions available for the
practice exams?
A - No. The problems on the real exam may be sufficiently similar
to the practice problems that having access to a solution set may reduce
the motivation to study for the exam. I will be happy to check your
solutions to the practice exam during my office hours.
Q - Why do the mathematical symbols
appear garbled when I view the handouts on the webpage?
A - This is most likely due to your browser not supporting the symbol
font extensions. In most cases and upgrade to the most current browser
will fix the problem. You can click the links below to upgrade the two
most common browsers. An easier solution is to click the pdf link for
the desired handout instead. Click here for
more information on the pdf file option.
Netscape Upgrade | Internet Explorer Upgrade |
Q - When is the next exam?
A - Exam dates are listed in the course
Q - How much does homework count toward
my final grade?
A - Weighting factors for various homework, exams, and computer project are
listed in the course