The objective of the DEEPWAVE project is to study the dynamics of GW in the New Zealand-Antarctic region from the surface of the earth to the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT). The project examines how tropospheric winds and storms modulate the generation of GWs, how GWs propagate across the tropopause into the stratosphere, and how tidal winds influence GW propagation and breakdown in the middle atmosphere. Important observational components of DEEPWAVE include in situ measurement from the NSF/NCAR Gulfstream-V (NGV) research aircraft along with surface, airborne and satellite-based remote sensing. The project is proposed to occur from June-July 2014, coincident with the winter-spring maximum in GW activity and apparent influences in the stratosphere and MLT. A summary schematic of the observational assets and the measurement capabilities as a function of the various layers of the atmosphere is shown to the left.