
References to Dynamics Studies
by Dave Fritts
(page periodically updated)

This page presents a compilation of papers (published, in press, and submitted) by Dave Fritts
and colleagues addressing gravity wave sources and propagation, instability and breaking, and wave-wave
and wave-mean flow interactions using numerical, theoretical, and observational techniques. Also listed
are additional papers describing studies of Kelvin-Helmholtz shear instability and turbulence dynamics
using our various 3D models, observational and modeling studies of tidal and planetary wave motions,
and influences of coupling of neutral motions into the ionosphere. More recent papers are available as pdf files.
Copies of others may be obtained by emailing Dave at [email protected]. Dave's resume may be viewed

For links to all modeling studies and measurement programs
by Dave and his research colleagues,
see Dave's Home Page

To see our more recent papers, select the year you wish to view.

1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000,
2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012

To see our recent turbulence and dynamics movies, select from below.

Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Gravity Wave Breaking

Meteor Crater Simulations GW - Fine Structure Interactions

Results of our recent field experiments are listed here:

Spread F Experiment(SpreadFEx) MaCWAVE

Complete Publications List:

Abdu, M. A., E. A. Kherani, I. S. Batista, E. R. de Paula, D. C. Fritts, 2009: An evaluation of the ESF/bubble
irregularity growth conditions under gravity wave influences based on observational data from the SpreadFEx
campaign, Ann. Geophys., xx, SpreadFEx special issue, 27, 2607-2622. ******** Paper.pdf *********

Andreassen, O., P. O. Hvidsten, D. C. Fritts, and S. Arendt, 1998: Vorticity dynamics in a breaking
gravity wave, 1. Initial instability evolution, J. Fluid Mech, 367, 27-46.

Andreassen, O., C.-E. Wasberg, D. C. Fritts, and J. R. Isler, 1994: Gravity wave breaking in two and
three dimensions, 1. Model description and comparison of two-dimensional evolutions,
Geophys. Res., 99, 8095-8108.

Arendt, S., and D. C. Fritts, 1998: The instability of a vortex tube in a weak external shear and strain ,
Phys. Fluids, 10, 530-532.

Arendt, S. A., and D. C. Fritts, 2000: Acoustic radiation by ocean surface waves, J. Fluid Mech., 415,

Arendt, S., D. C. Fritts, and O. Andreassen, 1997: The initial value problem for Kelvin vortex waves,
J. Fluid Mech., 344, 181-212.

Arendt, S., D. C. Fritts, and O. Andreassen, 1998: Kelvin twist waves in the transition to turbulence,
Euro. J. Mech. B/Fluids, 17, 595-604.

Bageston, J. V., C. M. Wrasse, P. P. Batista, R. E. Hibbins, D. C. Fritts, D. Gobbi, and V. F. Andrioli, 2011:
Observation of a mesospheric bore in a thermal-Doppler duct over King George Island, Antarctica,
J. Chem. Phys., 11, 12137-12147,, doi:10.5194/acp-11-12137-2011.

Bageston, J. V., C. M. Wrasse, R. E. Hibbins, P. P. Batista, D. Gobbi, H. Takahashi, D. C. Fritts,V. F. Andrioli,
J. Fechine, and C. M. Denardini, 2011: Case Study of a mesospheric wall event over Ferraz Station,
Antarctica (62S), Ann. Geophys., 29, 209-219, doi:10.5194/angeo-29-209-2011. ******** Paper.pdf ********

Balsley, B. B., W. L. Ecklund, and D. C. Fritts, 1983: Mesospheric radar echoes at Poker Flat, Alaska:
Evidence for seasonally dependent generation mechanisms, Radio Sci.,40, 1053-1058.

Balsley, B. B., W. L. Ecklund, and D. C. Fritts, 1983: VHF echoes from the high-latitude mesosphere
and lower thermosphere: Observations and interpretations, J. Atmos. Sci., 40, 2451-2466.

Balsley, B. B., D. C. Fritts, R. G. Freligh, M. Jones, S. L. Vadas, and R. Coulter, 2002: Up-gully flow
in the Great Plains region: A mechanism for perturbing the nighttime lower atmosphere?, Geophys.
Res. Lett., 20 (19), 10.1029/2002GL015435. ********** file.PDF **********

Baumgaertner, A. J. G., A. J. McDonald, R. E. Hibbins, D. C. Fritts, D. J. Murphy, and
R. A. Vincent, 2008: Short-period planetary waves in the Antarctic middle atmosphere,
J. Atmos. Solar-Terres. Phys., 70 (10), 1336-1360. ******** Paper.pdf ********

Becker, E., and D. C. Fritts, 2006: Enhanced gravity-wave activity and interhemispheric coupling
during the McWAVE/MIDAS northern summer program 2002, Ann. Geophys.,
SRef-ID: 1432-0576/ag/2006-24-1175, 24, 1175-1188. *********** Paper.pdf ***********

Bellaire, P., C.-Y. She, and D. C. Fritts, 2000: Laser instrument probes the lower boundary of the
ionosphere, AFOSR Research Highlights, Sept./Oct., 1-2.
Blix, T. A., E. V. Thrane, D. C. Fritts, U. von Zahn, F.-J. Luebken, W. Hillert, S. P. Blood, J. D.
Mitchell, G. A. Kokin, and S. V. Pakhomov, 1990: Small-scale structure observed in-situ during
MAC/EPSILON, J. Atmos. Terres. Phys., 52, 835-854.

Blumen, W., R. Banta, S. P. Burns, D. C. Fritts, R. Newsom, G. S. Poulos, and J. Sun, 2001:
Turbulence statistics of a Kelvin-Helmholtz billow event observed in the nighttime boundary
layer during the CASES-99 field program, Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 34, 189-204.

Burrage, M. D., W. R. Skinner, D. A. Gell, P. B. Hays, A. R. Marshall, D. A. Ortland, A. H. Manson,
S. J. Franke, D. C. Fritts, P. Hoffman, C. McLandress, R. Niciejewski, F. J. Schmidlin, G. G.
Shepherd, W. Singer, T. Tsuda, and R. A. Vincent, 1996: Validation of mesosphere and lower
thermosphere winds from the high resolution Doppler imager on UARS, J. Geophys. Res., 101,

Chang,. L., S. Palo, M. Hagan, J. Richter, R. Garcia, D. Riggin, and D. Fritts, 2008: Structure of the migrating tide
in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM), Adv. Space. Res., 41 (9), 1398-1407,
Coy, L., and D. C. Fritts, 1988: Gravity wave heat fluxes: A Lagrangian approach, J. Atmos. Sci., 45,

Coy, L., D. C. Fritts, and J. Weinstock, 1986: The Stokes drift due to vertically propagating internal
gravity waves in a compressible atmosphere, J. Atmos. Sci., 43, 2636-2643.

Deng, W., J. E. Salah, R. R. Clark, S. J. Franke, D. C. Fritts, P. Hoffman, D. Kuerschner, A. H.
Manson, C. E. Meek, D. Murphy, T. Nakamura, S. E. Palo, D. M. Riggin, R. G. Roble, R.
Schminder, W. Singer, T. Tsuda, R. A. Vincent, and Q. Zhou, 1997: Coordinated global radar
observations of tidal and planetary waves in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere durng
January 20- 30, 1993, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 7307-7318.

Diettrich, J., G. J. Nott, P. J. Espy, G.R. Swenson, X. Chu, M. J. Taylor, D. M. Riggin, and D.C. Fritts,
2005: High frequency atmospheric gravity-wave properties using Fe-lidar and OH-imager observations,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L09801, doi:10.1029/2004GL021944.

Dunkerton, T. J., and D. C. Fritts, 1984: Transient gravity wave-critical level interaction. Part I:
Convective adjustment and the mean zonal acceleration, J. Atmos. Sci., 41, 992-1007.

Espy, P. J., R. E. Hibbins, G. O. L. Jones, D. M. Riggin, and D. C. Fritts, 2003: Rapid, large-scale
temperature changes in the polar mesosphere and their relationship to meridional flows,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, 1240, doi:10.1029/2002GL016452.
Espy, P. J., R. E. Hibbins, D. M. Riggin, and D. C. Fritts, 2005: Mesospheric planetary waves over Antarctica
during 2002, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L21804, doi:10.1029/2005GL023886. ***** Paper.pdf *****

Espy, P. J., R. E. Hibbins, G. R. Swenson, J. Tang, M. J. Taylor, D. M. Riggin, and D. C. Fritts, 2006: Regional
variations of mesospheric gravity wave momentum fluxes over Antarctica, Ann. Geophys., 24, SRef-ID:
1432-0576/ag/2006-24-81, 81-88. *********** Paper.pdf ************

Fechine, J., C. M. Wrasse, H. Takahashi, A. F. Medeiros, P.P.Batista, B.R.Clemesha, L.M. Lima, D. Fritts, B. Laughman,
M. J. Taylor, P. D. Pautet, M. G. Mlynczak, and J. M. Russell, 2009: Mesospheric bore event during SpreadFEx
campaign, Ann. Geophys., SpreadFEx special issue, 27, 1399-1406. ******** Paper.pdf *********

Forbes, J. M., M. Kilpatrick, D. Fritts, A. H. Manson, and R. A. Vincent, 1997: Zonal mean and tidal
dynamics from space: an empirical examination of aliasing and sampling issues, Ann. Geophys.,
15, 1158-1164.

Franke, P. M., S. Mahmoud, K. Raizada, K. Wan, D. C. Fritts, T. Lund, and J. Werne, 2011: Computation of
clear-air radar backscatter from numerical simulations of turbulence: 1. Numerical methods and evaluation of biases,
J. Geophys. Res., 116, D21101, doi:10.1029/2011JD015895. ******** Paper.pdf ********

Fritts, D. C., 1978: The nonlinear gravity wave-critical level interaction, J. Atmos. Sci., 35, 397-413.

Fritts, D. C., 1979: The excitation of radiating waves and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities by the gravity
wave-critical level interaction, J. Atmos. Sci.,36, 13-23.

Fritts, D. C., 1980: Simple stability limits for vertically propagating unstable modes in a tanh(z)
velocity profile with a rigid lower boundary, J. Atmos. Sci.,37, 1642-1648.

Fritts, D. C., 1982: Shear excitation of atmospheric gravity waves, J. Atmos. Sci., 39, 1936-1952.

Fritts, D. C., 1982: The transient critical-level interaction in a Boussinesq fluid, J. Geophys. Res., 87,

Fritts, D. C., 1984: Shear excitation of atmospheric gravity waves. Part II: Nonlinear radiation from a
free shear layer, J. Atmos. Sci., 41, 524-537.

Fritts, D. C., 1984: Gravity wave saturation in the middle atmosphere: A review of theory and
observations, Rev. Geophys. Space Phys., 22, 275-308.

Fritts, D. C., 1985: A numerical study of gravity wave saturation: Nonlinear and multiple wave
effects, J. Atmos. Sci., 42, 2043-2058.

Fritts, D. C., 1987: Recent progress in gravity wave saturation studies, Transport Processes in the
Middle Atmosphere, NATO Advanced Science Institute, G. Visconti and R. R. Garcia, Eds., D.
Reidel, 485 pp.

Fritts, D. C., 1989: A review of gravity wave saturation processes, effects, and variability in the middle
atmosphere, Pure Appl. Geophys., 130, 343-371.

Fritts, D. C., 1993: Gravity wave sources, variability, and lower and middle atmosphere effects,
Coupling Processes in the Lower and Middle Atmosphere, NATO Advanced Science Institute,
E. V. Thrane, T. A. Blix, and D. C. Fritts, Eds., Kluwer Academic Pubs., 410 pp.

Fritts, D. C., 1995: Gravity wave forcing and effects in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere,
The Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere, Chapman Conference on the Upper Mesosphere
and Lower Thermosphere, R. M. Johnson and T. L. Killeen, Eds., Am. Geophys. Union, 356 pp.

Fritts, D. C., 1995: Gravity wave-tidal interactions in the middle atmosphere: Observations and
theory, The Upper Mesosphere and LowerThermosphere , Chapman Conference on the Upper
Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere, R. M. Johnson and T. L. Killeen, Eds., Am. Geophys.
Union, 356 pp.

Fritts, D. C., 1997: Preface to the CADRE special issue, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 26,017-26,018.

Fritts, D. C., 2000: Errant inferences of gravity wave momentum and heat fluxes using airglow
and lidar instrumentation: Corrections and cautions, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 22,355-22,360.

Fritts, D. C., 2003: Middle Atmosphere: Gravity Waves, in Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences,
J. R. Holton, J. Pyle, and J. Curry, Eds., 1308-1314.

Fritts, D. C., M. A. Abdu, B. R. Batista, I. S. Batista, P. P. Batista, R. Buriti, B. R. Clemesha, T. Dautermann,
E. de Paula, B. J. Fechine, B. Fejer, D. Gobbi, J. Haase, F. Kamalabadi, B. Laughman, P. P. Lima,
H.-L. Liu, A. Medeiros, D. Pautet, D. M. Riggin, F. Sao Sabbas, J. H. A. Sobral, P. Stamus, H. Takahashi,
M. J. Taylor, S. L. Vadas, and C. Wrasse, 2009: The Spread F Experiment (SpreadFEx): Program overview
and first results, Earth Planets Space, 61, 411-430. ******** Paper.pdf *********

Fritts, D. C., M. A. Abdu, B. R. Batista, I. S. Batista, P. P. Batista, R. Buriti, B. R. Clemesha, T. Dautermann,
E. de Paula, B. J. Fechine, B. Fejer, D. Gobbi, J. Haase, F. Kamalabadi, E. A. Kherani, B. Laughman,
P. P. Lima, H.-L. Liu, A. Medeiros, D. Pautet, F. Sao Sabbas, J. H. A. Sobral, P. Stamus, H. Takahashi,
M. J. Taylor, S. L. Vadas, F. Vargas, and C. Wrasse, 2009: Overview and summary of the Spread F Experiment
(SpreadFEx), Ann. Geophys., 27, 2141-2155. ******** Paper.pdf *******

Fritts, D. C., and M. J. Alexander, 2003: Gravity dynamics and effects in the middle atmosphere,
Rev. Geophys. , 41, 1003, doi:10.1029/2001RG000106. ****** Paper.pdf ******

Fritts, D. C., S. Arendt, and O. Andreassen, 1998: Vorticity dynamics in a breaking internal gravity
wave, 2. Vortex interactions and transition to turbulence, J. Fluid Mech., 367, 47-65.

Fritts, D. C., S. Arendt, and O. Andreassen, 1999: The vorticity dynamics of instability and turbulence
in a breaking internal gravity wave, Earth Planets Space, 51, 457-473.

Fritts, D. C., C. Bizon, J. A. Werne, and C. K. Meyer, 2003: Layering accompanying turbulence
generation due to shear instability and gravity wave breaking, J. Geophys. Res., 108, D8, 8452,
doi:10.1029/2002JD002406. ********** Text.PDF , Figures.PDF **********
Fritts, D. C., R. C. Blanchard, and L. Coy, 1989: Gravity wave structure between 60 and 90 km
inferred from space shuttle reentry data, J. Atmos. Sci., 46, 423-434.

Fritts, D. C., and H.-G. Chou, 1987: An investigation of the vertical wavenumber and frequency
spectra of gravity wave motions in the lower stratosphere, J. Atmos. Sci., 44, 3610-3624.

Fritts, D. C., and T. J. Dunkerton, 1984: FA quasi-linear study of gravity wave saturation and
self-acceleeration, J. Atmos. Sci. , 41, 3271-3289.

Fritts, D. C., and T. J. Dunkerton, 1985: Fluxes of heat and constituents due to convectively unstable
gravity waves, J. Atmos. Sci., 42 , 549-556.

Fritts, D. C., P. Franke, K. Wan, T. Lund, and J. Werne, 2011: Computation of clear-air radar backscatter from
numerical simulations of turbulence, II: Backscatter moments throughout the lifecycle of a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability,
J. Geophys. Res., 116, D11105, doi:10.1029/2010JD014618. ******* Paper.pdf ******

Fritts, D. C., J. F. Garten, and O. Andreassen, 1996: Wave breaking and transition to turbulence
in stratified shear flows, J. Atmos. Sci., 53, 1057-1085.

Fritts, D. C., J. F. Garten, D. Riggin, R. A. Goldberg, G. Lehmacher, F. J. Schmidlin, S. McCarthy,
C. Fawcett, E. Kudeki, M. H. Hitchman, R. S. Lieberman, I. M. Reid, and R. A. Vincent, 1997:
Equatorial dynamics observed by rocket, radar, and satellite during the CADRE/MALTED
campaign, 2. Mean and wave structures, coherence, and variability, J. Geophys. Res., 102,

Fritts, D. C., and M. A. Geller, 1976: Viscous stabilization of gravity wave critical level flows,
J. Atmos. Sci., 33, 2276-2284.

Fritts, D. C., M. A. Geller, B. B. Balsley, M. L. Chanin, I. Hirota, J. R. Holton, S. Kato, R. S. Lindzen,
M. R. Schoeberl, R. A. Vincent, and R. F. Woodman, 1984: Research status and recommendations
from the Alaska Workshop on Gravity Waves and Turbulence in the Middle Atmosphere,
Fairbanks, Alaska, 18-22 July 1983, Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 65, 149-159.
Fritts, D. C., D. Goldstein, and T. Lund, 2010: High-resolution numerical studies of stable boundary layer flows
in a closed basin: Evolution of steady and oscillatory flows in an axisymmetric Arizona Meteor Crater,
J. Geophys. Res., 115, D18109, doi:10.1029/2009JD013359. ****** Paper.pdf ******

Fritts, D. C., and U.-P. Hoppe, 1995: High-resolution measurements of vertical velocity with the
EISCAT VHF radar, 2. Spectral observations and model comparisons, J. Geophys. Res., 100 ,

Fritts, D. C., U.-P. Hoppe, and B. Inhester, 1990: A study of the vertical motion field near the
high-latitude summer mesopause during MAC/SINE, J. Atmos. Terres. Phys., 52, 927-938.

Fritts, D. C., and J. R. Isler, 1992: First observations of mesospheric dynamics with a partial reflection
radar in Hawaii (22 N, 160 W), Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 409-412.

Fritts, D. C., and J. R. Isler, 1994: Mean motions and tidal and two-day structure and variability
in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere over Hawaii, J. Atmos. Sci., 51, 2145-2164.

Fritts, D. C., J. R. Isler, and O. Andreassen, 1994: Gravity wave breaking in two and three
dimensions, 2. Three-dimensional evolution and instability structure, J. Geophys. Res., 99,

Fritts, D. C., J. R. Isler, J. H. Hecht, R. L. Walterscheid, and O. Andreassen, 1997: Wave breaking
signatures in OH airglow and sodium densities and temperatures, Part II: Simulation of wave
and instability processes, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 6669-6684.

Fritts, D. C., J. R. Isler, R. S. Lieberman, M. D. Burrage, D. R. Marsh, T. Nakamura, T. Tsuda, and
R. A. Vincent, 1999: Two-day wave structure and mean-flow interactions observed by radar
and HRDI, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 3953-3969.

Fritts, D. C., J. R. Isler, G. E. Thomas, and O. Andreassen, 1993: Wave breaking signatures in
noctilucent clouds, Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, 2039-2042.

Fritts, D. C., and D. Janches, 2008: Dual-beam measurements of gravity wave momentum fluxes over Arecibo:
Re-evaluation of wave structure, dynamics, and momentum fluxces, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D05112,
doi:10.1029/2007JD008896. ***** Paper.doc *****

Fritts, D. C., D. Janches, and W. K. Hocking, 2010: Southern Argentina agile meteor radar (SAAMER): Initial
assessment of gravity wave momentum fluxes, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D19123, doi:10.1029/2010JD013891.
****** Paper.pdf ******

Fritts, D. C., D. Janches, H. Iimura, W. K. Hocking, N. J. Mitchell, B. Fuller, B. Vandepeer, J. Hormaechea,
C. Brunini, and H. Levato, 2010: Southern Argentina agile meteor radar (SAAMER): System design
and initial measurements of large-scale winds and tides, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D18112,
doi:10.1029/2010JD013850. ****** Paper.pdf ******

Fritts, D. C., D. Janches, D. M. Riggin, R. G. Stockwell, M. P. Sulzer, and S. Gonzalez, 2006: Gravity waves
and momentum fluxes in the MLT using 430 MHz dual-beam measurements at Arecibo: 2. Frequency spectra,
momentum fluxes, and variability, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D18108, doi:10.1029/2005JD006883.
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Fritts, D. C., and W. Lu, 1993: Spectral estimates of gravity wave energy and momentum fluxes, II:
Parameterization of wave forcing and variability, J. Atmos. Sci., 50, 3695-3713.

Fritts, D. C., and T. Lund, 2011: Gravity wave influences in the thermosphere and ionosphere: Observations and
recent modeling, Aeronomy of the Earth’s Atmosphere and Ionosphere, M. Abdu and D. Pancheva, Eds.,
Springer, 109-130. ****** Paper.pdf ******

Fritts, D. C., and Z. Luo, 1992: Gravity wave excitation by geostrophic adjustment of the jet stream,
Part 1: Two-dimensional forcing, J. Atmos. Sci., 49 , 681-697.

Fritts, D. C., and Z. Luo, 1993: Gravity wave forcing of the middle atmosphere due to reduced ozone
heating during a solar eclipse, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 3011-3021.

Fritts, D. C., and Z. Luo, 1995: Dynamical and radiative forcing of the summer mesopause circulation
and thermal structure, 1. Mean Solstice conditions, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 3119-3128.

Fritts, D. C., C. Nappo, D. M. Riggin, B. B. Balsley, W. E. Eichenger, and R. Newsom, 2003:
Analysis of ducted motions in the stable nocturnal boundary layer during CASES-99, J. Atmos.
Sci., 60, 2450-2472. ********** Text.PDF , Figures.PDF **********

Fritts, D. C., and G. D. Nastrom, 1992: Sources of mesoscale variability of gravity waves, II: Frontal,
convective, and jet stream excitation, J. Atmos. Sci., 49, 111-127.

Fritts, D. C., T. L. Palmer, O. Andreassen, and I. Lie, 1996: Evolution and breakdown of
Kelvin-Helmholtz billows in stratified compressible flows, I: Comparison of two- and
three-dimensional flows, J. Atmos. Sci. , 53, 3173-3191.

Fritts, D. C., and P. K. Rastogi, 1985: Convective and dynamical instabilities due to gravity wave
motions in the lower and middle atmosphere: Theory and observations, Radio Sci., 20, 1247-1277.

Fritts, D. C., D. M. Riggin, B. B. Balsley, and R. G. Stockwell, 1998: Recent results with an MF radar
at McMurdo, Antarctica: Characteristics and variability of motions near 12-hour period in the
mesosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 297-300.

Fritts, D. C., S. A. Smith, B. B. Balsley, and C. R. Philbrick, 1988: Evidence of gravity wave saturation
and local turbulence production in the summer mesosphere and lower thermosphere during the
STATE experiment, J. Geophys. Res., 93, 7015-7025.

Fritts, D. C., S. Sun, and D.-Y. Wang, 1992: Wave-wave interactions in a compressible atmosphere, 1:
A general formulation including rotation and wind shear, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 9975-9988.

Fritts, D. C., and E. V. Thrane, 1990: Computation of the ion/neutral density ratio in the presence of
wave and chemical effects, J. Atmos. Terres. Phys., 52, 827-834.
Fritts, D. C., T. Tsuda, T. Sato, S. Fukao, and S. Kato, 1988: Observational evidence of a saturated
gravity wave spectrum in the troposphere and lower stratosphere, J. Atmos. Sci., 45, 1741-1759.

Fritts, D. C., T. Tsuda, T. E. VanZandt, S. A. Smith, T. Sato, S. Fukao, and S. Kato, 1990: Studies
of velocity fluctuations in the lower atmosphere using the MU radar: II. Momentum fluxes and
energy densities, J. Atmos. Sci. , 47, 51-66.

Fritts, D. C., and S. L. Vadas, 2008: Gravity wave penetration into the thermosphere: Sensitivity to solar cycle
variations and mean winds, Ann. Geophys., SpreadFEx special issue, 26, 3841-3861.
******** Paper.pdf *******

Fritts, D. C., S. L. Vadas, and O. Andreassen, 1998: Gravity wave excitation and momentum
transport in the solar interior Implications for a residual circulation and Lithium depletion ,
Astron. Astrophys., 333, 343-361.

Fritts, D. C., S. L Vadas, D. M. Riggin, M. A. Abdu, I. S. Batista, H. Takahashi, A. Medeiros, F. Kamalabadi,
H.-L. Liu, B. J. Fejer, and M. J. Taylor, 2008b: Gravity wave and tidal influences on equatorial spread F
based on observations during the Spread F Experiment (SpreadFEx), Ann. Geophys., 26, SpreadFEx
special issue, 3235-3252. ******** Paper.pdf *******

Fritts, D. C., S. L. Vadas, K. Wan, and J. A. Werne, 2006: Mean and variable forcing of the middle atmosphere
by gravity waves, J. Atmos. Solar-Terres. Phys., 68, 247-265.. ******* Text.doc , Figures.doc *******

Fritts, D. C., S. A. Vadas, and Y. Yamada, 2002: An estimate of strong local gravity wave body
forcing based on OH airglow and meteor radar observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29 (10),
10.1029/2001GL013753. ********** file.PDF **********

Fritts, D. C., and T. E. VanZandt, 1987: Effects of Doppler shifting on the frequency spectra of
atmospheric gravity waves, J. Geophys. Res., 92, 9723-9732.

Fritts, D. C., and T. E. VanZandt, 1993: Spectral estimates of gravity wave energy and momentum
fluxes, I: Energy dissipation, acceleration, and constraints, J. Atmos. Sci., 50, 3685-3694.

Fritts, D. C., and R. A. Vincent, 1987: Mesospheric momentum flux studies at Adelaide, Australia:
Observations and a gravity wave/tidal interaction model, J. Atmos. Sci., 44, 605-619.

Fritts, D. C., and D.-Y. Wang, 1991: Doppler-shifting effects on frequency spectra of gravity waves
observed near the summer mesopause at high latitude, J. Atmos. Sci., 48, 1535-1544.

Fritts, D. C., D.-Y. Wang, and R. C. Blanchard, 1993: Gravity wave and tidal structures between
60 and 140 km inferred from space shuttle re-entry data, J. Atmos. Sci., 50, 785-806.

Fritts, D. C., L. Wang, and R. H. Tolson, 2006: Mean and gravity wave structures and variability in the Mars upper
atmosphere inferred from MGS and MO aero-braking densities, J. Geophys. Res., 111, A12304,
doi:10.1029/2006JA011897, ******** Paper.pdf ********

Fritts, D. C., L. Wang, and J. Werne, 2009: Gravity wave - fine structure interactions: A reservoir of small-scale
and large-scale turbulence energy, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L19805, doi:10.1029/2009GL039501.
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