Data Assimilation Facility

This new feature to the code allows the user to specify winds that vary in x, y, z, and time! This page describes the methods users will need to follow to setup cases using variable winds.

Creating a Wind File

Although the naming of the wind file (background.wind) has not changed, the new style is a binary file with a formatted header. Please note that this must be written explicitly to be read by the main code and is sensitive to syntax. To assist users with this aspect, a new program convert_wind accompanies this update. While originally designed to convert original 1D wind files for testing purposes, all the header format options have been included. In addition, this program illustrates how the binary data is written, namely single-precision binary in order - (Nx,Ny,Nz,n_var,Nt) where n_var = 3 (u,v,T). Note, pressure field can also be appended but it must satisfy the hydrostatic balance so it is usually generated internally.


A climatology data base is available for users BUT should only be used for preliminary analysis or profile approximation due to its limitations. The data set contains zonal winds and temperature at 1 degree lines of latitude. It encompasses [-80:80] degrees with an approximate altitude range of [0:120] km.

Data generated from Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) International Reference Atmosphere (CIRA) 1986 model and precursor to:
Fleming, E. L., S. Chandra, M. R. Shoeberl, and J. J. Barnett. Monthly Mean Global Climatology of Temperature, Wind, Geopotential Height and Pressure for 0-120 km. NASA TM100697, February 1988.

To generate CIRA profiles build and run the program climatology.

New Input Options

i_read_w:2-read 4D, 1-read 1D, 0-generate internally
dt_ramp:Time between ramping segments (Recommended = dt0)
t_adjust_wind:Time to start data time variation (Use: ramping with fixed winds)
n_skip_b:Skip factor for background output (Testing)

Note input options for boundary conditions, diffusion, hydrostatic balance, and ramping function (hyperbolic tangent) are strict for terrain cases.

Grid File

Grid type is restricted for ALL cases to i_grid=3 (full background array)!

Any grid file in the format of terrain_mesh will continue to work, however it is recommended that users add the new header option to ensure consistency between the domain and background fields. This is simply added in terrain_mesh.inp:

i_header:1-write header, 0-no header (default)

Sample Case -- ( examples/4DWind )