Setting up cgcam man pages

Several of the cgcam utilities are described in associated man (manual) pages. In order to see these you will first need to make a few small changes to your environment:

Bourne shell users (bash, sh, ksh, zsh)

Add the following line to your shell start-up file

export MANPATH=$(MANPATH= manpath -g):${HOME}/cgcam/man

C shell users (csh tcsh)

Add the following line to your shell start-up file

setenv MANPATH `manpath -g`:${HOME}/cgcam/man

Once you have modified your start-up file, either source it, or log out and log back in again in order for the changes to take effect. At this point you should be able to read the man pages in the usual way, e.g.

man cart_mesh

You can see which utilities contain man pages by listing the cgcam/man/man1 directory.